Eddie Munson X Reader - REJECTS

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song FUCKBOI REJECTS by Royal & The Serpent. For this one, Reader lives in the trailer park near Eddie. This chapter is set after season 4 where everyone is friends, but Eddie is still here living his best life. I hope you all enjoy it.

You groaned as you flopped down onto the couch, your head landing perfectly on the pillow in Robin's lap. "Boys suck," you grumbled, turning your face just enough to glance up at her.

"I've been telling you that for years," she confirmed, a small smile pulling at her lips when you let out another dramatic sigh.

"Freddie?" Nancy started, moving up behind the couch to frown down at you. 

"No," Robin interjected on your behalf. "Freddie was last week, right?"

You groaned again, pushing yourself up to sit cross-legged at the other end of the sofa, clutching the pillow in your lap. "Yeah, Freddie was a total douchebag," you muttered. "But I was actually talking about Carter this time," you added, shooting Robin a glare when she snorted.

"Carter? Was he the one with the lip piercing?" 

"No, that was Miles," Robin uttered.

"The one with bleached hair?"

Robin shook her head. "That was Jace. Carter was the one with the neck tattoos," she added. Honestly, you were pretty impressed with how Robin could always keep up with the names and physical attributes of the guys you dated. God, she was better at it than you were half of the time. "Right?"

"Right," you murmured, letting out a soft sigh. They both continued watching you, waiting for some form of explanation as to why Carter had put you off of boys for the time being, even though they already knew that you'd be back to dating within the week. 

Robin let out a disgruntled sigh. "Are you going to start talking or should I just go home?"

"He was an asshole," you finally blurted. "Like a total narcissist-"

"What's new?" Nancy murmured, looking a little sheepish when you looked up at her with wide eyes. "I mean, every guy you date is a little narcissistic, right?"

You sink back into the sofa, groaning as you hung your head back over its arm. "Right," you agreed, eyes pressed closed. "But it comes with the territory, right? All the guys that I find attractive are way too into themselves. It's just the alternative thing. They're all assholes-"

Your eyes shot open again when you heard a creek on the stairs, finding Eddie standing halfway down the steps into the basement. "Hi," he uttered, smiling a little awkwardly. "I was just dropping off Mike and Mrs Wheeler told me you guys were here. Wanted to see if you needed a ride," he told you.

"Oh, I'll be a little longer-"

"I can wait. Mike was super excited to show me these DnD figures he got," he pressed on, keeping his eyes away from you as he spoke.

You hesitated for a moment. "Were you listening to us?" you uttered, looking so damn embarrassed that Eddie immediately felt guilty. 

"No," he started, shaking his head in his attempt to convince you. "Not really. I mean, I heard what you were saying, but it wasn't on purpose. I wasn't eavesdropping or anything-"

"Jesus Christ," you muttered, your balled-up hands pressing into your eyes.

"Y/N's having boy troubles," Robin supplied, her lips twitching at the frustrated yelp you let out from behind your hands. "And that trouble is that she only dates assholes."

Eddie snorted at the comment, and your hands quickly dropped as you glared at him. "Don't laugh. It's not my fault that guys are all shitty-"

"It kinda is if you only date shitty guys," he murmured, shrugging when your eyes widened at the comment. "I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there that would make great boyfriends," he pressed on.

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