Steve Harrington x Byers!Reader - Head Over Heels

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears and Dave Bascombe. Reader is the eldest Byers child and is the same age as Steve. This is set after season 3, where they've both graduated from high school. In this one, Steve and Nancy were never together and the Byers never moved to California. I hope you all enjoy it.

Steve had been halfway up to your window when he'd heard the throat clear behind him, his entire body going still in the hopes that maybe he'd imagined the noise. 

"We do have a front door, you know?" the voice hummed. "It's much easier than this," it added, half-teasing, as he shuffled back down the drain pipe.

"Sorry Mrs Byers," he murmured, standing awkwardly in front of her. "I'll just-" he paused for a moment, letting out an uncomfortable chuckle. "I'll head home."

Joyce waved her hands, shushing him. "Don't be ridiculous," she chastised lightly, gesturing for him to follow her as she walked around to the front of the house. "This is a front door. You are allowed to use it whenever you please. At least that way I know you two aren't sneaking around late at night. I'll know you're both safe if you're here."

"Oh," he murmured, brow furrowed slightly. "You don't mind me coming over?"

Joyce chuckled. "You and Y/N will find a way to see each other whether I give you the okay or not. I'd rather you were both here than sneaking out to God knows where in the middle of the night-" She paused for a moment. "I don't want to find you scaling the side of my house again, alright, Steve?"

"Yes Mrs Byers-"

"Please, call me Joyce, Sweetheart; everyone else does."

Steve had excused himself quickly and sheepishly made his way to your bedroom, hesitating before knocking on the door. 

"Come in," your voice called through the door, and the moment it opened and you saw him standing in the doorway, your eyes widened in horror. "What are you doing?"

"Your mom caught me trying to get to your window," he hummed, as you got to your feet, tugging him inside and shutting the door behind him. "Told me to use the front door from now on," he added. "She was actually really cool about it," he murmured. "Like really cool. Told me to call her Joyce."

You bit your lip to hold back giggles. "Yeah, she's pretty cool," you confirmed. 

Steve pulled you into a gentle kiss. "She told me I can come over whenever I want," he told you, his arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders. "Might just start living here and see how long it takes her to notice," he joked.

"You'd be rumbled within a week. If she didn't realise on her own, Jonathon would end up selling you out," you chuckled. 

"I'm going to win him over, eventually," he murmured. 

*Time Skip*

Your house was always hectic in the morning, especially on a weekday when you all had school or work. Your mom would always have some form of breakfast on the table waiting for you as you fought for control over the bathroom. 

This morning, you'd managed to get in the bathroom first, getting ready and then ushering Steve in after you so that you wouldn't be left waiting around for him. He'd joined you at the breakfast table. 

"Shit," your mom bit out, staring into the fridge with a deep frown. 

"What's up?" you murmured around a bite of toast.

She sighed softly. "We're out of milk-"

"I'll pick some up on my way home from dropping Y/N to work," Steve hummed out, still focused on the breakfast in front of him. 

Home. He'd never called your mom's place that before. He'd been practically living here non-stop for the last three months, and he often gave your mom money towards the bills and groceries, but he'd definitely never called it home before. 

"Oh, you're an angel," she murmured, gathering up her bag. "I'm working late tonight," she reminded you. "There are leftovers in the fridge," she added, kissing the top of your head as she moved past you. "And there are three movies on top of the TV that need to go back to Family Video this week, so could you actually watch them? I don't want Steve getting any more late fees because you pick too many movies out and then never watch them." As she reached Steve, she leaned down and kissed his head too. "Tell the kids I had to run, but that I told them to have a good day at school, alright?"

"Bye," you called out, watching as she hurried out the door. 

"Did your mom just kiss me?" Steve murmured when the door closed.

"Yeah, she does it to all of us," you hummed, still eating. "If you don't want her to, I can ask her to dial it back a bit-"

"No," he interrupted. "Just surprised me, is all. Not used to that sort of thing," he told you. "Don't think my mom has even hugged me since I was 10," he murmured, taking another bite from his toast. 

When he glanced up, you were frowning slightly, watching him carefully. "I can't imagine going more than a couple of days without mom hugging me," you uttered. "She's just always been so affectionate."

He shrugged slightly. "You get used to it after a while," he hummed. "Stopped thinking about it at some point-"

"Well, be warned, now that she's started seeing you as one of her little cluster of kids, you're in for a world of love from my mom."

He smiled softly. "You make that sound like a bad thing," he teased. "It's nice. Makes it feel more like a home when the people in it actually love each other."

You paused for a moment, your tongue drifting over your bottom lip. "I like that you consider this your home," you told him. "I like that you're happy here."

"I'd be happy anywhere as long as I'm with you," he murmured, leaning in to give you a quick kiss as the boys made their appearance in the kitchen, followed closely by El. 

You cleared your throat slightly, incapable of stopping the smile that was plastered to your features. "We're leaving in 10 minutes," you told them. "If you aren't ready, Steve's leaving without you-"

"Steve loves being our driver; he would never leave us behind," Will hummed, sending you a wild grin. 

"Too right, bud," Steve murmured, turning his attention back to his own breakfast as you playfully glared at him.

It was sweet really, how easily he fit into your family. They all loved having him there, even if Jonathon was still a little bit hesitant, and he loved being with them too. You'd definitely been lucky in that. 

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