Eddie Munson X Reader - Symphony

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Symphony by Clean Bandit and Zara Larsson. It is set a few years after season 4, in an AU where Eddie was cleared of murder and got to live a pretty normal life. I hope you all enjoy it.

"When we get married-" Eddie had started, setting your heart aflutter from the moment the words had left his mouth. Eddie had never doubted that you were the woman he wanted to spend his life with, not even a single moment of second-guessing had ever passed his mind, and yet, still, every time he mentioned weddings and marriage and your future together, it left you giddy as a teenager with her first crush. "I think we should write our own vows," he pressed on, his arm still draped around your shoulder, as he glanced down at you. 

"Yeah?" you hummed, watching him nod slightly. 

"Yeah," he confirmed. "I was looking at them the other day, and the traditional ones are nice and all, but they're a little-" his words trailed off and he shrugged. 

You shuffled slightly to get a better look at him. "Boring?" you supplied.

He snorted slightly, his smile spreading across his face. "Yeah," you agreed. "They're a little boring."

"We can write our own," you told him, linking your fingers through his and giving them a little squeeze. "Have to ask me first though," you hummed, lifting your joined hands up to show him the absence of a ring. 

"I'm waiting until you least expect it," he murmured, leaning down to press a kiss to your neck, his hair tickling your skin and drawing a soft giggle out of you. "Gotta make it a surprise for you," he pressed on, nipping the skin lightly.

"Bet you don't even have a ring yet," you teased, shifting around on the couch to kneel up and look at him. "Bet the surprise is that I'm going to be an old wrinkly bride," you pressed on, chuckling when he caught your chin in his hand, drawing you in for a proper kiss. 

As he pulled away, his nose brushed yours. "I've had a ring since our fourth date, Baby," he hummed against your lips. "Thought maybe it'd freak you out if I proposed then though, so kept it all hidden away where you wouldn't find it."

You kissed him again, pulling back to look at him, his face cradled between your palms. "You're so cute," you told him. 

"I am pretty cute," he agreed, brushing your hair back out of your face for you. "But you're cuter," he added. "And our kids would be the most adorable little people to ever walk planet earth," he told you before pulling you in for another quick kiss.

*Time Skip*

Standing in front of Eddie at the altar was everything you had ever imagined. He had been grinning like a madman, his eyes lined with tears when you had walked down the aisle to him, and now, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, a little grounding gesture that he seemed to appreciate, as he squeezed back, neither of you really listening to the officiant as he spoke to the crowd of your friends and family. 

"Eddie and Y/N have chosen to write their own vows for the ceremony today, so I'm going to pass you over to them now. Y/N, you're first."

You nodded, clearing your throat slightly and reaching over to take your folded sheet of paper from your bridesmaid. "Eddie," you started softly, letting out a soft snort of laughter. "Eddie Bear," you repeated, watching as he wrinkled his nose at the cheesy nickname. "I promise that I will always be your biggest fan, cheering you on from the front row," you started, smiling softly at him. "I promise that I will always help you organise your notes when a DnD campaign is getting a little out of hand. I promise to always act as a human shield when you tell me you love horror movies, even though they scare the shit out of you." You paused, watching him let out a bubble of laughter. "But most importantly, I promise that I will love you like it's going out of fashion and I can't get enough of you, because let's face it, I can't." You paused, your voice thick with emotion. "I'm going to stand by you, through thick and thin. No matter what. Because life isn't worth living if I can't live it with my favourite person by my side. I love you, Baby."

He swallowed deeply, blinking a little too rapidly to clear the tears brimming in his eyes. "Holy shit," he murmured softly, drawing a wave of laughter from the guests. 

"Now, Eddie," the officiant started, nodding for him to start his vows.

Eddie nodded, clearing his throat and quickly wiping at his eyes. "Y/N, I promise to always get the snacks off of the top shelf so that you don't have to scale the kitchen to get to them," he started, watching as you bit down on your bottom lip to stop from laughing. "And that I'm never going to be too busy to listen to you tell me about your day, or the weather, or any goddamn thing, no matter how mundane." He paused for a moment, clearing his throat again. "I promise that'll I'll always be your human heater when you're cold. And your pillow when you're tired. And- Oh, actually, Dustin told me I'm not allowed to say that bit," he muttered, his finger running over the page as the guests let out another murmuring of laughter. "Here we go, I promise that my love songs will always be written about you, which won't be hard, because you're the best muse a guy could ever ask for. And that you'll always be my top priority, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. I love you more than I'll ever be able to put into words, Baby, but I promise that I'll spend the rest of my life showing you just how loved you are." 

You reached out, taking his hand in yours. "I love you," you hummed softly, giving his fingers another quick squeeze. 

"I love you too, Baby."

*Time Skip*

"So," you started softly, sitting up at the top table and leaning over just enough that only Eddie would be able to hear you. "What was the bit Dustin made you take out?"

Eddie flushed slightly, turning in his seat so that his hair would hide his face. "You know the bit I was on? 'I'll be your heater when you're cold; your pillow when you're tired...' well the next line was a little more risque-"

"What was it?" you murmured, your face now so close to his that he couldn't help but glance down at your lips for a second. 

"I put that I would be your sex toy when you're horny," he confessed, drawing a shocked snort of laughter out of you. 

"Eddie," you chastised. "Dustin was right, you can't say that in front of our families," you pressed on, chuckling when he caught your chin and kissed you again. 

He pulled back. "Rule of three, Baby. It would've had a better flow to it-" he teased, nudging your nose with his. "Dustin was acting like I'd confessed to a murder or something," he added. 

"Idiot," you murmured, shoving his shoulder lightly. "I appreciate the sentiment but thank you for taking it out," you added.

His thumb brushed over your cheek lightly. "Anything for you, Mrs Munson."

A soft gasp slipped out of you at his comment. "Shit, that's the first time you've ever called me that," you told him. "I like it."

"Yeah?" he hummed. "Well, I love it."

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Stranger Things - ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora