Eddie Munson X Henderson!Reader - One Night

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A/N - This chapter was partially inspired by the song One Night by Griff, but it was actually just kind of an idea that I had that I needed a little push with. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Y/N, listen very carefully," Dustin started, the moment you had uttered a half-assed attempt at a happy-go-lucky greeting into the phone. You rolled your eyes at his dramatic words. 

"What do you need, Dusty, I'm busy."

"Doing what?" he murmured. "All you ever do is sit reading those stupid romance books-"

"Okay, I get the point," you interrupted. "What do you want?"

There was a moment of hesitation before Dustin let out a small sigh. "I need you to come and pick me up somewhere. And I need you to promise you won't ask any questions, okay?"

"Are you in trouble?"

"That's a question," he immediately cried. "No questions."

You rubbed at your temples, groaning. "Dustin, If you're in trouble you need to tell me-"

"Can you pick me up or not?" 

"Fine, yes. Where are you?"

There was another moment of hesitation. "Do you know Reefer Rick's place? Down by Lover's Lake?"

"Dustin," you started, before remembering the 'no questions' clause and letting out a soft sigh. "Yes, I know it."

"Great. I'll see you soon."

And then the phone line had gone dead before you could protest that your little brother really shouldn't be hanging around a drug dealer's house on the other side of town.

*Time Skip*

You'd pulled up to Reefer Rick's place to find Dustin already waiting for you in the dark, offering up a small wave as you came to a stop in front of him. 

"What is wrong with you?" you bit out, climbing out of the car and slamming the door shut behind you. "If Mom ever finds out that you were here she'll go crazy. And she'll kill me for not telling her about this the second you called." 

"You can't tell her-"

"Dusty, this guy is a drug dealer. This place could be crawling with-" you paused for a moment, shaking your head in frustration. "Undesirable types." 

"You can't tell Mom or she'll get him in trouble."

You stopped for a moment, brow furrowing. "Him?"

"Eddie needs a place to hide out for a little while."

"Eddie," you uttered, shaking your head. "You want me to help you hide Eddie 'the freak' Munson?"

Dustin shrugged. "He didn't do anything wrong."

"If he didn't do anything wrong, why doesn't he just go to the police and hand himself in?" 

"Because they aren't going to believe me," a voice uttered from the doorway, making you jump so hard that you almost lost your footing. He moved forward, out of the darkness, and offered you a small smile. "Hi."

"Jesus Christ," you murmured back, shaking your head in an attempt to clear it of the mess of thoughts tangling together. "Where do I need to drive you?"

"Home," Dustin started. "Mom's still at work, right?"

Your mouth opened and closed in disbelief. "If the police find out we hid him in our house, then Mom is going to be the least of your worries, Dustin. We would be aiding and abetting a criminal. It's illegal."

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