Billy Hargrove X Hagan!Reader - Into The Wild (Part 2)

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A/N - This is the highly requested part two of another chapter in this book. So, this is set during season 3, before all the bad stuff starts happening, just because I want the mall to be around still. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You let out a soft whine when you felt lips press against the bare skin of your shoulder, a warm hand running delicately over your hip. It was still dark outside, just about, and you had no intention of actually waking up yet, but something about the way Billy was touching you right now was making you reconsider that thought. 

"Baby," he hummed softly, his breath fanning across your skin and making you shiver. "I've got to go, Sweet Thing," he pressed on, and you immediately stilled. Billy had made a point of never leaving whilst you were asleep, always wanting to make sure you knew that he hadn't just run out on you in the middle of the night. And right now, it was your mission to convince him that you were still asleep, just to keep him here a little longer. "I know you aren't sleeping, Baby," he pressed on, the smirk clear in his voice as he pressed another kiss to your shoulder. 

"I am," you answered softly. "I'm still fast asleep," you pressed on, drawing a snort of laughter out of him. 

Billy used his hold on your hip to turn you towards him, his nose nudging delicately against yours. "I'm sorry, Baby, but I've got to head out before Tommy wakes up." 

A disgruntled sigh slipped out of you at his comment. It had become pretty inconvenient that Billy had been Tommy's friend before he had ever become your boyfriend. Your brother had made it pretty damn clear that he would never approve of a relationship between you, but it hadn't been enough to stop you from falling for Billy, and it hadn't seemed to do much to scare him off either. But of course, that meant a lot of sneaking around, and to get from your bedroom to his car, Billy would have to pass Tommy's bedroom window, which meant earlier wake-ups than either of you were overly fond of. 

"Don't pout, Sweet Thing," he hummed, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips. 

"Just five more minutes-"

Billy sighed, lifting his hand to brush your cheek lightly. "We don't have five minutes-"

"Then two minutes?"

"I wish I could, Baby, but we've got training this morning," he told you, pressing another kiss to the corner of your lips before shuffling out of your hold, grabbing his jeans from the floor next to the bed. "Tommy's going to be getting up any minute now," he added softly, shoving his feet into the jeans as quickly as he could manage without making too much noise. "But, he's working after school, right? So how about you and I head over to the mall whilst he's busy? I'll treat you to one of those milkshakes you like, huh?"

A small smile pulled at your lips. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, Sweet Thing. It'll be nice, right?" 

"Right," you finally confirmed, now fully awake as you knelt at the edge of the bed, catching him by the chain around his neck and pulling him down for another kiss. "I'll see you after school."

"I'll meet you over on Greenland, 'kay?" he hummed, his hands running over the tops of your arms lightly. "Right after school."

You nodded, letting him steal one final kiss before watching him pull his discarded t-shirt over his head. When he was halfway out the window, he glanced back at you, hesitating for just a second. Maybe Tommy catching the two of you wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I mean, since he'd started dating you, Billy hadn't even looked at another woman. In fact, Tommy had commented on as much without really knowing the cause of the changes he'd been seeing in his friend. And if it meant that Billy got to stay in bed with you for a little longer in the mornings, maybe any fallout would be worth it. 

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