Steve Harrington X Reader - Just the Way

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel. This is set a few years after highschool graduation when Steve and Reader are in their early-mid twenties. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Steve had been a little confused when he'd found you standing in front of the mirror frowning. After all, you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life and he couldn't imagine a single part of you that could be made better. But still, here you were, staring at yourself with a deep frown painting your features cloudy. 

"Hey, Princess," he hummed, catching your eye in the reflection and offering you a soft smile. "Whatcha doing?"

Your eyes trailed back to yourself in the reflection. "Just thinking," you uttered, reaching up to shift your hair around. "Do you think I should dye my hair?" you added, your voice so soft that Steve had to strain his ears to even hear the question. 

He hesitated for a moment before shrugging. "I mean, I love your hair how it is, but if you want to colour it then I wouldn't want to stop you," he told you, shifting forward to wrap his arms around your middle, his chin resting on your shoulder. "What colour were you thinking? Pink? Green? Blue?"

A soft giggle slipped out of you at his suggestions, your body relaxing back into his chest. "I just thought maybe I could go a little lighter," you hummed. "You know, I was reading vogue the other day and apparently everyone is going blonde these days-"

"Yeah?" he murmured, locking eyes with you in the mirror as you nodded. "Do you want to be blonde though? I thought you liked it like this," he uttered, brow furrowed slightly.

You hesitated, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "Do you not think it'd look good?"

"Of course, it'd look good. You'd look like a Goddess no matter what colour your hair was," he told you, his hands soothing over your hips as he pulled back to look at your face directly. You turned to face him. "Just want to make sure you're doing it because you want to and not because some stupid magazine told you that you should."

You stared at him for a moment, a little dumbfounded by his comment. "Oh," you murmured. "I mean, I do like it like this," you uttered, lifting your hand to touch the ends of your hair. "Maybe I should wait a while. Think on it a little more."

He smiled, pulling you into a quick kiss. "Smart girl," he hummed against your lips, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"Smart? Who are you kidding?"

Steve pulled back, a little shocked by your comment. "You are smart," he told you. "Like the smartest person I know."

"What are you talking about? Steve, you're friends with Nancy straight-A's Wheeler," you chuckled, still convinced that this was all some silly joke. "I'm not even in the top 5 of the smartest people in your life."

You were just about to laugh again when you caught the frown on his lips. "You are smart," he told you, his voice firm. "Just because you didn't get straight-A's doesn't mean you aren't smart," he pressed on.

"Stevie, it was a joke," you murmured. 

"You mean it though, don't you? You don't think you're clever."

You hesitated slightly, shrugging your answer. "I don't know-"

"But you are clever. You understand how taxes work. And you've read more books than I can even name. And you can cook, and sew, and you know how to iron a shirt properly. Getting good grades in High School isn't the only thing that makes someone smart."

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip, your hand lifting to rest on his chest, directly over his heart. "It was just a joke, Baby," you hummed, your other hand lifting to brush over his cheek. "I know you think I'm smart-"

Steve let out a sharp sigh, shaking his head slightly. "It's not just about me though, is it?" He paused for a moment. "I want you to think you're smart too."

"Baby, I know I'm smart," you told him, drawing him down to press a kiss to his lips. "And not that stupid book smart stuff, either. Real smart. Life smart," you hummed. "And I know that because you tell me all the time." 

He nodded, nuzzling into your palm slightly. "Good," he murmured, turning his head to press a kiss to your fingertips. "Because no one gets to talk bad about my girl like that and I don't know what to do about it if it's you being mean to yourself," he uttered.

You chuckled. "You know, sometimes I think you might be a little too protective for your own good," you teased, pulling back slightly to smile up at him. "But it's cute as hell," you added, tapping him on the nose lightly. 

"You think I'm cute, Baby?"

"The cutest," you agreed. "You think I would've married you if you weren't?"

He let out a soft hum at your comment. "You only married me because I'm cute?"

"No, I married you because you're my favourite person. But you being cute was a big selling point."

His smile grew at your comment and he leaned down, pulling you into a deep kiss. "I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, Baby."

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