Eddie Munson X Reader - Superheroes (Part 3)

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A/N - I got bored and came up with another little chapter with FamousMusician!Reader and Rockstar!Eddie. It's got a literal word-for-word retelling of one of the best Disney Princess songs of all time, too, because I'm possibly the most self-serving writer going. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Bullshit," Eddie uttered, chuckling as you stared daggers at him from behind your microphone. He'd started tagging along to your recording sessions pretty quickly after you'd started dating, becoming a sounding board for any and all of your ideas before you got the confidence to pitch them to the guys behind the real soundboard. 

"Not bullshit. Snow White was the only VHS we had when I was a kid. I must've watched it a thousand times," you corrected, looking a little disgruntled from his outburst. 

Eddie scoffed, sitting forward with his elbows resting on his knees as he grinned at you. "You can do a spot on Snow White impression?"

"It's honestly very impressive," you agreed quickly, clearing your throat. "You could put me and Adriana Caselotti in a room together and you wouldn't know who was who." 

Eddie bit back his laughter, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "Go on then."

"I'm working-"

"Call it a vocal warm-up," he interjected. "Unless you don't think you can do it," he teased, watching you playfully scowl at him. 

You cleared your throat, rolling your shoulders back as you dramatically readied yourself. "Once there was a Princess," you hummed out, your voice immediately slipping into the familiar Snow White impression that you'd taught yourself as a kid. 

"Was the Princess you?" Eddie murmured, his face a little dopey as he did his impression of Doc, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"And she fell in love-"

"Was it hard to do?"

"It was very easy," you started again, your voice the perfect recreation of the original character. "Anyone could see that the Prince was charming; the only one for me."

"Was he strong and handsome? Was he big and tall?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of you as Eddie got to his feet, swaggering towards you just like the Prince would have in the movie. 

"There's nobody like him anywhere at all."

Eddie stopped when he got close to you, his hand resting on your hip. "Did he say he loved ya'?" he uttered, his vocals dropping ever so slightly. "Did he steal a kiss?" he added, leaning in as if he was about to kiss you, only for you to pull back. 

"He was so romantic; I could not resist." Eddie snorted when you shook your hair back, readying yourself for the next part of the song. "Someday my Prince will come. Someday we'll meet again. And away to his castle, we'll go. To be happy forever, I know." He was grinning when his arms wrapped around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Someday when Spring is here, we'll find our love anew, and the birds will sing, and wedding bells will ring. Someday when my dreams come true," you pressed on, grinning up at him as your song came to a close, completely unaware of the camera focused on the two of you. 

"That was a pretty spot-on impression, Baby," Eddie hummed, ducking his head to press a quick kiss to your lips. "My pretty little Princess," he teased, listening to your snort with laughter at his comments. 

"Told you not to doubt me," you uttered, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth before shoving him away lightly by his chest. "I've got to work," you reminded him, pointing at the seat he usually occupied until he walked towards it and slumped down, watching you so affectionately that it was a little shocking, even after months of experiencing it. 

*Time Skip*

You grumbled when you woke up to the sound of Eddie's landline ringing loudly from his side of the bed, sitting up and shoving at his shoulder until he reluctantly woke up and answered it. 

"Hello?" he grumbled, still completely horizontal with the phone perched awkwardly between his head and his shoulder. "What are you talking about, Man? Slow down." And then, suddenly, Eddie was sitting upright, knocking your knee with his hand, eyes all wide. "Pass me the remote, Baby," he uttered, making grabby hands at the remote control on your bedside table. 

"What's going on?" you uttered, looking totally lost as you handed it over. 

Eddie didn't answer, switching on the TV and flicking through the channels until he reached MTV, seeing a video of you and Eddie singing in the recording studio lighting up the screen. 

"What the fuck?" you murmured, brow furrowed in confusion as your eyes darted down to the scrolling headline over the bottom of the video. 

Y/N Y/L/N and Corroded Coffin's lead guitarist, Eddie Munson, cosy up in a recording session with Disney Duet.

"How'd they even get this?" you pressed on, feeling Eddie's hand squeeze your knee. 

"Well this is a surprise," the presenter pressed on, this bright, fake smile painting her features as the video cut, showing her standing in the studio. "Y/N is a well-known recluse. She declines every interview that she's offered. She avoids public events outside of her own shows. She is the most famous introvert to ever move to LA. Clearly, something about Eddie Munson is changing her attitude." 

Your breath caught in your throat. Even now, with such a sweet, innocent video coming out about you, they were finding ways to slander you. 

"Baby," Eddie hummed softly, shifting towards you to wrap an arm around your shoulder. "Talk to me, Princess," he added, drawing you closer to him. 

"Why would someone give them that video?" you uttered, clearing your throat slightly. 

Eddie hesitated for a moment. "They probably got a pretty great payout," he murmured, his nose pressed into your hair. "This is going to pass, Baby. It's not a big deal, right?"

"Not for you, Maybe," you uttered. "They're not making fun of you," you added softly.

Eddie let out a soft sigh, gripping your hip and dragging you closer until he had you settled in his lap, frowning down at him. "Baby, I love you," he reminded you, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, smiling softly when you leant into his touch. "My pretty princess, right? Who cares what any of them think when we know the real you?"

"I just don't get why they're so desperate for people to hate me."

He pressed his forehead against yours. "They prefer the people who grow up easy," he reminded you. "Remember, you told me that first night we met. People like us have to stick together, keep us from getting steamrolled by those assholes-"

"I don't remember calling them assholes," you hummed, a small smile pulling at your lips, causing him to grin up at you. 

"Baby," he murmured, nudging your nose with his. "They are assholes if they want to make you out to be anything other than the most incredible woman going, alright?"

You hesitated for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip. "Alright," you confirmed quietly. 

"Good girl," he hummed, pressing another quick kiss to your lips, his arm tightening around your middle as he slumped back down into the pillows, drawing a squeal out of you as he pulled you with him, causing you to splay out across his chest. "My Princess."

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