Eddie Munson X Musician!Reader - Cherry Pie

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Cherry Pie by Warrant. For this one, reader is the bass player of an up-and-coming band, who also play at the Hideout. I hope you all enjoy it.

It's not like you were lying to Eddie. Not really. Sure, you were omitting something that was a pretty substantial part of your life, but that didn't mean you were lying. Lying and omitting information were two completely different things. And God, you'd been intending to tell him when you'd first made your relationship official, you really had, but guys had gone running the second you'd told them you were in a band, especially the music-crazy ones who suddenly realised they couldn't talk down to you about how great Fenders were without you actually having an opinion. And Eddie was definitely music crazy. I mean, you'd gone to see Corroded Coffin a ton of times since you'd started dating, making sure to keep a low profile so that none of the bartenders would notice you amongst the crowd and blow your cover. He was passionate about music and you didn't want to scare him off with your own knowledge of the subject. 

But one evening, after telling him that you couldn't hang out because you had homework, your cover had definitely been blown. He'd gone over to your house in an attempt to cheer you up and distract you from your work, only for your mom to tell him that you were out. She'd been nattering on and on about how you always had your gig at the Hideout on a Friday night, and he hadn't heard much else before he'd been headed straight to the bar. In all honesty, he'd never noticed the pattern before. You were always busy on Friday nights, whether you'd told him you were out with friends or studying or God knows what else. And now he knew why. 

When he'd pulled into the parking lot, he'd hesitated for a moment. There was a reason you'd never invited him to a gig. And for a second, Eddie wondered whether he should respect your wishes to keep this little bit of your life private, even if the idea of seeing you on stage had driven his mind crazy already. Hell, he didn't even know what sort of music your band played. He didn't know if you sang or played an instrument, although, from the way the two of you would shriek along to music in the van, he couldn't really imagine you as a vocalist. 

Before he could really finish considering leaving, he'd heard the sound of a strong guitar rift seep out through the open door of the bar, and his mind had been made up. He was out of the van a second later, jogging towards the building with his heart in his throat. 

As soon as he was inside, his eyes were on you. Shit, you were always hot, but right now, you were completely otherworldly. There was this barely-there sheen of sweat glistening on your skin, your hair a mess from how much you were moving around the stage. And Christ, the way your jeans were hugging your ass as you span to grin at the girl on the drums almost knocked him out. You looked like an absolute Goddess, and if that wasn't enough, he was almost certain you were better on guitar than he was, too. It was like muscle memory, just playing without even thinking, and you were killing it. 

It was only as you sidled up beside the singer to give her some vocal backup that your eyes landed on him, his jaw hanging loose as he stared up at you with something like total adoration. In all honesty, with the way he was looking at you, you'd never felt so beautiful in your life. No one had ever looked at you the way he was right now and all you wanted was to jump off of the stage and kiss him, to prove that you thought he was as hot as he seemed to think you were. 

When you finally regained your composure, you shot him a quick wink, watching as he practically melted into a puddle at the interaction. And then, you were back to performing.

A couple of songs went by before you could wrap up your set, and then, you'd quickly explained the situation to your bandmates and excused yourself to find Eddie at the bar. 

"Hi," you hummed softly, biting down on your bottom lip when he shook his head slightly, catching your chin and pulling you into a bruising kiss. 

"Hi?" he mumbled against your lips. "Is that how you greet me now, Rockstar?" he teased, pulling back slightly to look you in the eyes. "This doesn't look like homework," he added softly. 

"I should've told you-"

He caught your lips again. "Yeah," he hummed as he pulled back, his arm immediately throwing itself around your shoulders to keep you close to his side. "But I know now, right? That's what matters."

"Did you like the set?"

He paused for a moment, sending you a sideways glance, his eyebrow raised. "Are you kidding me? That was the best thing I've ever seen. You guys are amazing," he told you. "And the girl on bass was pretty damn hot, too," he added, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"You think so?"

"I know so," he corrected. "Hottest girl I've ever seen." You grinned as you turned to press your face into his chest, letting him hold you close. "Don't think I'm the only one who thought so, either. You've got quite the fanbase," he hummed, nodding over his shoulder to where a handful of older guys were watching the two of you interact. "Got to show 'em that the little rockstar is my girl," he pressed on, leaning in and capturing you in a deep kiss, his tongue dragging over your bottom lip. 

"Eddie," you chastised as you pulled back slightly, a playful glint in your eyes. "We're in public," you added softly, biting down on your bottom lip. 

"Yeah, well they aren't going to get the message if I do it in private, are they?" he murmured, his thumb reaching up to pull your bottom lip free from your teeth. "Need to show 'em that they can't hit on you because you're already taken, Baby."

You hummed softly, a smile pulling at the corner of your lips. "You really think I'd ever entertain one of these guys hitting on me when I've got you waiting for me at home?" 

He chuckled softly. "God, you're perfect, you know that?" he told you, nudging your nose with his. "You need help packing up your gear or are you good to go?"

"The girls decided to let me off for the night, so I'm all yours."

He let out a happy little hum, pushing up from his bar stool and wrapping his arm tightly around you. "Let's get you home, then, Baby."

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