Eddie Munson X Reader - She Drives Me Crazy

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song She Drives Me Crazy by the Fine Young Cannibals. I hope you all enjoy it.

Eddie could've sworn that half of the shit you did was intentionally designed to distract him. 

Shit, when you were sitting in class, listening intently to the teacher, a pencil held in a vice grip between your teeth, it was almost like he was watching art in motion. 

Or when you would come to Hellfire and do that little excited dance you always did when you would roll well. 

Or, his personal favourite, when you would sit in the cafeteria with the boys and listen to him like he was the most interesting person in the world, elbow resting on the table, chin balanced in your hand. You'd always have this soft smile playing on your lips, your eyes following him as he gestured wildly at anyone and anything. And, God, if he didn't put on a show for you, playing up the jokes just to see you laugh. 

Yeah, you were always beautiful, but it was moments like that when he could really see just how gorgeous you were. It was like you had been created specifically as a distraction to him, and Hell, whoever had made you for the task had done a great job because it was working. Christ, he was on the verge of failing almost every class he shared with you; it was insanity. 

Eddie had been standing at your locker, waiting to walk with you to the caffeteria, when he'd spotted you chatting with one of the girls from Spanish. You were rolling your eyes at something she was saying, shooting him a 'please save me from this hell' sort of look from down the hall. He'd let out a soft snort of laughter, holding his hands up to show that he had no intentions of saving you and watching as a soft pout pulled at your lips. 

"This little will they; won't they thing you've got going on is getting a bit tired, Eddie," Dustin hummed, causing Eddie to jump at the rather sudden interruption. 

"Shit, Henderson," he breathed out, shaking his head. 

"I've been here for ages, you just didn't notice because you were too busy staring at Y/N," he added. "You should just ask her out. She'll definitely say yes-"

"We're just friends," Eddie corrected, shoving Dustin away by his head. "Anyway, she's completely out of my league-"

"But you're practically obsessed with her. And because you're so caught up in staring, you don't seem to notice that she looks at you the exact same way that you look at her."

Eddie hesitated for a second, his eyes drifting back over to where you were still stuck in a conversation with your classmate, eyes constantly flickering over to him, desperate to make your escape. "Bullshit," he finally uttered.

"Not Bullshit. You can ask anyone. Y/N's totally got the hots for you."

When your eyes finally met Eddie's, silently pleading, he pushed off of the locker, making a beeline for you. "Ladies," he murmured, tossing his arm around your shoulder and drawing you close to his side. "Sorry to interrupt, but I've got to steal Y/N here away. I'm taking her off campus for lunch, right, Sweetheart?" 

You nodded, forcing the shocked expression off of your face and offering up a quick wave as Eddie steered you away from the girl you'd been talking to and towards your locker. "Did we have plans?" you hummed when you finally started putting your books away. "I don't remember planning to go off campus-"

"We didn't have plans," he confirmed softly. "But you looked like she was about to bore you to death, and I couldn't just let her kill you off like that."

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you as you pushed the locker shut. And then, suddenly, it was as if you noticed the arm wrapped around you, and you glanced up at Eddie with a small smile. "So we aren't going off campus?"

"No, we are. We can drive over to the diner on Warren, get some proper food for once-"

"I wouldn't call fries and shakes proper food, Ed," you interrupted, raising an eyebrow at him. And with a flourish of confidence that you weren't used to, you reached up and took a hold of the hand dangling from your shoulder, linking your fingers with his. "But it sounds good anyway. I swear I spend way too much time in this stupid school," you told him, the two of you falling into step on your way to the van. 

You hadn't noticed the red blush spreading on Eddie's cheeks, or the little victory bounce that Dustin was doing behind you. But if you had, you would've killed the little shit. You'd confessed your feelings for Eddie to Dustin after almost three days of non-stop badgering from him, and he'd promised he wouldn't make it too obvious.

When you reached the van, Eddie tugged the door open for you, ushering you inside, and then he jogged around to the driver's side, sliding in beside you. "Can I ask you something?"

Your entire body froze, a little startled by the question. "Yeah."

"Well, just now, Dustin said something to me-"

"That's not a question," you interrupted, jaw tightening as you forced yourself to keep smiling.

Eddie chuckled slightly. "Do you like me?"

"Of course I like you; we're friends."

He hesitated for a moment. "No, like-" he let out a soft breath. "Dustin said you have the hots for me. I just want to know if that's true before I make an idiot of myself."

"I-" Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip, unsure of how to answer. "Yeah, I do."

Eddie's head fell back against his seat. "Oh, thank God," he breathed out, looking so damn relieved that it left you confused. "I thought Dustin was messing with me because he knows how I feel about you and I didn't want to ask you out in case you thought I was an idiot or something and then it would ruin our friendship because you would've thought I was some creepy obsessive-"


"I really like you. And, if it's alright with you, I'd like this to be a date." 

Your smile came back, full force and genuine, as you turned in your seat to look at him properly. "It can definitely be a date."

"Amazing," he hummed. "Great," he added softly. "So, the diner on Warren is okay for a first date, right? I mean, it's no Enzo's but-"

"The diner is perfect, Ed." You let out a soft chuckle. "Honestly? You could've told me that lunch in the cafeteria was our first date and I would've been happy."

He grinned over at you, watching you so carefully that it made you wonder how you'd never noticed it before. "I just want to treat you right, Sweetheart. Do this properly, you know?"

"I know."

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