Billy Hargrove X Reader - Walk Me Home

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Walk Me Home by Pink. I hope you all enjoy it.

Date night had always been a bit of a tradition between you and Billy. Every fortnight, he would take you out somewhere, just the two of you, and you would just enjoy each other's company for a couple of hours, without the pressure of work or your families or anything else. You'd thought it was adorable when he'd first suggested it as a way for you to check in with one another, the thoughtfulness of it lingering right in your chest when he'd mentioned it. And now, two years later, you'd still never missed a date night. 

Tonight, he'd decided to take you to a new bar on the other side of town. One of the guys from work had suggested it to him, and he'd been excited to experience it with you. But then, he'd left you at the bar to go to the bathroom, and when he'd come back, the bartender had been grinning at you as if he was the cat who got the cream. 

He'd felt that anger bubbling up in his stomach, trying his hardest to push it down as he came and sat beside you, softening slightly when you subtly placed your hand on his thigh like you always did when he was sitting close. It was something he'd come to expect these days, the physical contact that you always craved with him, and now, he welcomed it a lot more than he had when you'd first met. 

"Have you got a phone number to go with that pretty face?" 

There it was again, the anger that he'd tried his hardest to put on the back burner, now building up inside of him as the bartender started hitting on you. It was stupid really. He trusted you. He knew you'd never ditch him for some other guy when the two of you were so solid together. But still, the audacity of this guy to hit on you when he was sitting right there next to you made him feel sick. 

"Nope," you uttered, removing your hand to lift your glass and take a sip from your drink, unaware of the internal battle happening next to you. If you had known, you never would've stopped touching him. You would have given him your full, undivided attention rather than even acknowledging the question you were being asked. 

"Oh come on," the bartender hummed, leaning on his elbow on the counter and offering you a sweet smile. "I promise I'm a really fun date," he pressed on, and you quickly glanced over at Billy from the corner of your eye. 

"So's my boyfriend," you murmured, glancing down to find Billy's hands balled into fists, his jaw tight as he fought back his instinct to pull the bartender over the counter and beat the shit out of him. "In fact," you started again, catching his balled-up hand in yours and running your thumb gently over the back. "I think he's ready to head off to our next date spot," you added, turning to face him fully. 

"Oh shit, sorry man," the Bartender interrupted, holding up his hands in surrender. "Didn't realise she was taken," he added.

"Baby," you hummed as you got to your feet. "Let's go," you pressed on, pulling on his hand lightly until he nodded and slipped off of his seat, letting you lead him out of the bar.

You'd gotten him halfway down the street before he'd managed to even out his breathing, letting out a soft sigh as you glanced up at him. 

"Hi," you murmured, watching as he shook his head slightly. 

"Sorry," he grumbled. "I ruined date night-"

"What are you talking about?" you interrupted, tucking yourself under his arm and wrapping your free arm around his waist. "Date night isn't ruined. We're just finished at the bar-"

Billy let out a rather disagreeable grunt, making your smile falter slightly. "I got pissed off and we had to leave," he muttered. "I ruined your night." He shook your head when you opened your mouth to correct him again, making you fall silent again. "I'm trying," he added. "I promise I'm working on it with Cathy."

"Cathy told you it wouldn't be an overnight change, Baby. I know you're working on it," you hummed, lifting your free hand to catch his, linking your fingers together where they hung off of your shoulder. "And we're definitely getting somewhere, because a year ago, you would've decked that guy for even looking at me, let alone trying to ask me out. These things just take time, okay?" 

He nodded, using his arm to tug you a little closer so that he could press a kiss to the top of your head. 

"I'm proud of you," you reminded him softly. "It takes a lot of courage to take those steps and make changes. And it means a lot that you're willing to make them for me."

He swallowed down the lump in his throat, smiling softly at you. "You're worth being better for," he confessed. "I love you."

"I know you love me," you reminded him, releasing his hand to catch his chin, holding him in place as you leaned up to kiss him properly. "And I love you too, Baby," you hummed against his lips, nudging his nose with yours before letting him lead you further down the street. "So, how about we go home, order a pizza, and have a nice long bath, huh?"

He hummed softly, his head falling back dramatically as if it was the most incredible thing he had ever heard. "That sounds amazing," he murmured, grinning when you let out a soft chuckle. 


"Yeah," he agreed. "The perfect night with my perfect little lady," he told you, watching you practically preen at his attention. "How'd I get so lucky, huh?"

You shrugged slightly. "You made the effort" you confessed. "Being in love only means so much if you aren't willing to make changes," you added. "But you wanted to be with me and you wanted us to go the distance, so you made it work."

He nodded. "There's no one I'd rather be better for," he told you.

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