Eddie Munson X Mayfield!Reader - Call Me

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the wonderful Call Me by Blondie. Reader is Max's older sister and in this world, Eddie and Max are semi-friendly because of Dustin and Mike and Lucas. Also, the Max and Reader dynamic was giving me Massive Nani and Lilo vibes, so I shoved a little quote-ish bit in there. I hope you all enjoy it. 

The trailer park was anything but dull, that much you could admit. Ever since you'd moved over from the old house, you had been witness to some of the strangest people you had ever met; not that that was necessarily a bad thing. The oddness was great. You always found yourself drawn to the weirdos around you; the more eccentric the better.

So, when you had moved into the trailer across from Eddie Munson, you'd been pretty damn curious. When your family had come to Hawkins, you had already graduated from high school, starting out at Community College and working part-time the minute you'd come to the town, so you'd never had a chance to experience him first-hand, but you'd heard murmurings of the local 'freak' from other kids. Max's friends adored him, though, and given their own oddness, it was as good a review as any. 

"He's a senior, right?" you'd murmured one morning, pegging out the washing whilst Max followed along with the basket of clothes. She looked confused for a moment before following your eye line to where Eddie was sitting on his front step, smoking. 

"Eddie? Yeah, he's a senior." She smirked when you let out a soft sigh. If he was a senior, he was 17, maybe just 18, but you'd been very clear, both to yourself and to Max, when you'd come to town that you were done with high school boys. "He's been held back though," she pressed on. "Twice."

Your eyes flickered over to her for a moment, head tilting to the side slightly. "Yeah?"

Max nodded, looking very proud of herself. "Dustin said he's on track to graduate this year."

"Dustin just told you that without prompting?" you uttered, brow furrowing when she chuckled.

"I told him that you were checking him out when you picked me up the other day. He gave me what was basically an entire encyclopedia of knowledge about him," she told you. "He's 20. Loves metal music and DnD. He's in a band. His birthday is-"

"Max," you yelped. "That's creepy; quit it." Your eyes flickered over to where Eddie was sitting, finding him already looking in your direction. "Do you think he heard you?" you murmured, ducking your head just enough that she would be able to hear you without the risk of him possibly reading your lips. 

"Nope," she started softly. "But he's coming over, so play it cool."

"What?" Your head shot up, and to your horror, Eddie was headed in your direction.

Max gave him a quick wave, balancing the washing basket on her hip. "Hi," she called out. 

"Red," he hummed, giving her a little nod. "This must be the other Mayfield," he pressed on, offering you a sweet smile. "Henderson never stops bringing you up. Pretty sure he thinks you're the coolest person on planet earth." 

You let out a soft snort of laughter. "And there I was thinking he preferred Steve," you uttered, shaking your head in disbelief. 

"He's partial to his older friends, clearly," he chuckled. "But I can see why he likes you-"

"Oh, gross," Max uttered, shaking her head as she looked between the two of you.

Eddie's eyes widened as he realised what he had said. "I didn't mean that he likes you because you're hot," he blurted. "Not that I don't think you're hot. You are. You're a God Damn bombshell, but I'm sure you have a lot of very nice qualities-"

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