Steve Harrington X Hopper!Reader - Beachboy

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Beachboy by McCafferty. Reader is Hopper's daughter in this one. I hope you all enjoy it.

Eddie's band were good. Of course, you had always assumed that they were going to be good, but they were, like, really good. The Hideout, on the other hand, was an absolute shithole. Not that any of you really minded. They would serve you beers without checking your ID, which meant you could get a good buzz going whilst you nodded your head along to the music. 

You'd made an effort, upon becoming friends with Eddie, to support his music. After all, what were friends for if not unwavering support? And so you'd ended up convincing the rest of the group to come along. But the day before, Nancy had called to cancel with some excuse about her mom dragging her and Jonathan out for a fancy dinner. And then Robin had cancelled too, though she hadn't bothered with the excuses. So, when Steve had come over to pick you up, you'd had to quietly confess that it would be just the two of you. He hadn't grumbled as you'd expected, just shrugged slightly and pulled out onto the street. 

Actually, Steve had been pretty quiet all evening. Other than a couple of little comments here or there, usually in response to something you'd said, he'd been sitting listening to the music, perfectly content in his own silence. 

"I'm going to get another drink," you called out to him, placing a hand on his forearm to get his attention. "Do you want anything?" 

He shook his head, offering you a small smile as you got to your feet and made your way through the small gathering of people, all smoking and drinking and practically ignoring the band. 

It didn't take you long to catch the attention of the bartender, ordering a drink and turning to watch as Eddie really came to life. He seemed so happy on stage. So in his element that it was a little shocking that you'd never seen this side of him before. 

"You one of the groupies?" a voice uttered between you, and you turned your head to find an older man grinning at you. 

You let out a sharp bubble of laughter, shaking your head. "God no. I'm friends with the Guitar player," you added, pointing at where Eddie was thrashing about on stage.

"Friends, huh?" You hummed out an agreement. "Lucky him."

You scoffed as the words registered. "It's not like that-"

"Sure it's not, Sweetheart."

"Excuse me?" you bit out, turning to face him properly, your face contorted in frustration. "Who do you think you are?"

The guy shifted from his seat, seeming a little too put out by the attitude you were showing, and as he took a step towards you, you felt a hand come to rest on your elbow. "What's taking you so long?" 

Your eyebrows furrowed when you turned to look at Steve, standing so close to you that it set off the butterflies in your stomach. "I was just paying," you uttered, slapping your money down on the bar and taking the bottle of beer. 

You wrapped your hand around Steve's wrist as you wandered back to your table, your eyes lingering on the other guy for a moment too long, bringing a smirk to his face. 

"Was that guy bothering you?" Steve started as you plonked yourself down in your seat.

"No, he was just being crude-"

"He made you uncomfortable?" 

You hesitated for a moment before shaking your head. "No. He was just an idiot. I'm fine."

He shifted in his seat, his arm resting along the back of your seat as if he was sheltering you from the eyes of the man at the bar. "What did he say?"


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