Billy Hargrove X Reader - Gangsta

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Gangsta by Kehlani. I don't know about you guys, but I just love writing for super protective boyfriend Billy. I hope you all enjoy it. 

T/W: There are mentions of sexual assault/ nonconsensual touching in this chapter. If that is going to affect you negatively, please don't read this one.

When Billy had turned up at your house, ready for a night out on the town, and found you in your loungewear he'd been, understandably, pretty damn confused. He was certain he remembered telling you about the party at Tommy H's house last week; almost certain that he'd reminded you yesterday. And yet, you weren't even close to getting ready to go out. You were dressed in his old hoodie and sweatpants that were at least a size too big, and you were settled on the couch with a book, offering him a sweet smile when your dad had let him in the front door. 

"Hey, Baby," you hummed, only glancing up for a couple of seconds before returning your attention to the page in front of you. 

"I know I said the party is going to be casual, but this isn't what I had in mind," he teased, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head. "If you get ready now we can still make it before everyone starts getting too wasted."

You frowned. "I'm not in the mood tonight," you murmured, placing the book down on the seat beside you. "But you should go; have fun," you pressed on, watching as Billy glanced out the corner of his eye at the doorway to the kitchen, where your parents were sitting playing some card game. 

"You said you would go with me," he hummed, keeping his voice low as he helped you to your feet, drawing you towards the stairs and up to your room. "What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on, I just-"

"Baby, you loved the Halloween party," he murmured. "You said it was fun; you kept telling me that you were having so much fun."

"I was drunk, Billy."

He sighed. "So, you didn't have fun?" 

"No, I did, I just-" you let out a soft sigh, shaking your head. "It's not a big deal, alright? I just don't want to go to Tommy H's house and-"


"I don't want you to get mad, okay?"

Billy's brow furrowed at your comment. "Why would I be mad?"

"It's not a big deal-"

"Yeah, you said that already," he uttered, shaking his head. "Baby, what's going on?"

You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. "When Tommy drinks, he gets a little too friendly," you murmured, taking his hands in yours. "At Halloween, he kept touching me and I didn't like it, but he was drunk and I didn't want to make a scene-"

"Touching you?" You could see the muscle in his jaw twitching as he tried to stay calm. "He put his hands on you?"

"It wasn't a big-"

"Yeah, I get it, Baby. It wasn't a big deal," he breathed out. "Where did he touch you?" 

You stayed very still, hoping that if you didn't answer, maybe you could stop the explosion from taking place. Maybe you could keep Billy from going off the handle. Maybe you could calm him down enough that he could just let it slide without beating the shit out of Tommy.


"He put his hand up my skirt," you finally breathed out. "I'm sorry, Billy, I was drunk and I barely even noticed it was happening until Carole came over and he stopped-"

Billy quickly pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Don't apologise for what that piece of shit did," he murmured into your hair. "You did nothing wrong, Baby." He quickly linked his fingers through yours, pulling you back downstairs. "I'll have Y/N back by 10:30, Mr Y/L/N," he called out towards the kitchen as he dragged you out into the street.

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