Steve Harrington X Reader - Sweater Weather

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. It;s a touch short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

When Steve had first suggested a road trip to California, you had been hesitant. Sure, the idea of travelling together for a couple of months was lovely, but at the same time, you had an anxious feeling building in the pit of your stomach. 

What if you got all the way to California, only for something bad to happen in Hawkins whilst you were gone? What if something happened to one of the kids and you couldn't get home? What if Steve realised that being around you 24/7 was actually a bit too much? What if everything went to shit whilst you were miles away from home? 

It had taken you a couple of days of contemplation to finally agree to the trip. Sure, you had your concerns, but if you kept letting them hold you back, you would end up old and miserable way before your time. 

So, the two of you had packed up his car and bundled in, ready for your travels. 

The first couple of days had been quiet. Music playing softly in the car and gentle conversations about where you would stop and what you would see. And then, when you'd stopped off in St Louis, Steve had picked up a couple of new tapes for the car, and the quiet had disappeared in an instant. 

The second the first song had started playing, he'd reached out to turn the volume up, and the two of you had started singing along as if your life depended on it. You hadn't felt so carefree in as long as you could remember and now suddenly, it's like every worry that you'd been clinging to had faded away, disappearing into the back of your mind and leaving you alone for a little while. 

The rest of your drive had gone similarly, screaming out song lyrics and going on adventures in each new town you stopped in. In all honesty, you didn't think you'd ever been so happy before and you were somehow more in love with Steve than you ever had been. 

When you finally pulled into your final stop, you had gotten a little quiet. California was your destination. It was the only place left on your list. And now, you were here. Which meant that you'd be heading home soon. 

You let Steve lead you down onto the beach without saying much, your eyes trying their hardest to stay focused on the ocean lapping at the sand, but always inevitably drifting back to him, lingering on his face. 

Steve had slumped down onto the sand after wandering for a little while, holding his hand out to you, encouraging you to sit down with him. You quickly moved to settle beside him, shuffling close into his side and pulling the sleeves of your sweater down over your hands to warm them. 

"You know, I haven't seen the ocean since I was a kid," he hummed, his expression so soft and calm as his eyes travelled over the horizon, memorising it. "Forgot how peaceful it could be," he added, lifting his arm to wrap it around your shoulders and drawing you closer to him. 

"It's nice," you agreed softly, still watching him carefully. 

"We could do this more often," he pressed on. "Maybe not here, but North Carolina has beaches. South Carolina does too," he paused for a moment. "We could do a different one each year if you wanted," he told you, giving your shoulders a light squeeze as he finally glanced down at you, a small smile pulling at his lips when he found you already looking up at him. "How does that sound, Baby?"

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip as you considered the question. "We should probably go earlier in the year next time," you told him, snuggling closer into his side and placing your cold hands into his lap. "November isn't quite warm enough for swimming," you added, chuckling when his free hand came to catch both of yours, lifting your fingers up to his mouth to breathe warm air on them. 

"But if it wasn't cold, you wouldn't want to cuddle up to me like this," he hummed, pressing a quick kiss to your fingertips as you rested your head on his shoulder. "You'd be all grumpy about how hot it is," he added. 

You snorted, shaking your head. "I think you're right-"

"I normally am," he interjected, leaning over to press a kiss to the crown of your head. 

"Idiot," you murmured, freeing your hand from his to tuck it up the hem of his sweater, warming your palm against his stomach and feeling him tense and the sudden cold contact. "I mean, we should go to the beach every year," you added softly, smiling when his hand came to rest over yours through his clothes. 


You hummed out a soft agreement. "It's a good idea."

Steve grinned, his hand lifting to tap your chin, making you look up at him. "Love you," he mumbled, before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "These last few weeks have been the best of my life, Baby. Want to do this forever," he pressed on, his lips still brushing over yours. 

You nudged his nose with yours, smiling up at him. "Love you too, Babe."

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