Eddie Munson X Reader - Wet Dream

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Wet Dream by Wet Leg. There's a hell of a lot of mean/teasing flirting in this one because apparently, that's just how I flirt and I'm incapable of just being nice to people I fancy. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"You know," Eddie started, grinning down at you when you glanced away from the contents of your locker to find him leaning against the wall beside you. "I had a dream about you last night," he pressed on, revelling in the eye roll that he received in response. He had spent most of the last year finding any and every excuse to talk to you just to get a chance to flirt, and even though you loved it, you liked to pretend it was a total inconvenience. Eddie was cute, that was clear enough, but he wasn't exactly clambering over himself to ask you out on a proper date, so even though you enjoyed the attention, it wasn't like the flirting was going anywhere. "You missed the bus home and asked me for a ride home. You looked so pretty sitting in the passenger seat-"

"God, you're making me blush," you hummed, fanning your face as if you were flustered, whilst the smirk on your lips told him a completely different story. Eddie had called you pretty so many times that it didn't mean much anymore. If anything, you were so used to hearing it that he was barely complimenting you at all. 

He snorted slightly, his tongue darting out to run over his bottom lip. "Pretty sure I was the one blushing when I woke up, Sweetheart," he uttered. "Couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Oh yeah?" you murmured, pressing your locker closed as you moved a little closer to him, your voice lowering so that only he would hear you. "What makes you think that you're good enough to think about me when you're touching yourself, Munson?"

At that, a bright pink blush did start spreading up Eddie's neck, his eyes darting from you to the crowd moving through the halls, headed for their next classes. "I, uh-" he stuttered, clearing his throat slightly. When he spotted the grin pulling at your lips, his embarrassment seemed to fade slightly. "You're mean," he hummed out, drawing a snort of laughter out of you as you pulled your notebook closer to your chest. 

"Yeah," you agreed softly. "I'll see you around, Ed."

With that, you were headed away from him, leaving him stranded against the wall, watching you until you were completely out of his sight. 

*Time Skip*

When Eddie had fallen into step beside you, walking between classes, you had shot him a confused glance, one eyebrow raised in his direction. 

"Do you want to come back to mine tonight?" he started, clearly far more nervous than you were used to him being with you. "I've got Fast Times of VHS; we could hang out-"

"Are you asking me out on a date, Munson?" you hummed, watching as his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, his eyes darting away from you for a moment in an attempt to compose himself.

He cleared his throat slightly as he turned his gaze back to you. "Yeah, I think I am."

"You think?"

He hesitated, swallowing around the lump in his throat. "Yes, I'm asking you out."

You bit down on your bottom lip, pretending like you had to actually consider the options, even though you already knew your answer by heart. "Sure, I'll come over tonight," you told him, watching as a bright grin bloomed across his features.


"Yeah," you confirmed. "As long as you promise to behave yourself," you added softly, that teasing smile that he loved so much pulling at your lips. 

He let out a gentle sigh. "I'll behave as long as you do, Sweetheart."

You shrugged slightly. "No promises," you hummed, chuckling when he came to a very sudden stop in the middle of the hallway, leaving the students behind him grumbling as he stared after you. 

"You can't say shit like that," he called out, doing a little jog to catch up to you. "You'll start getting my hopes up."

You offered him a real smile, no teasing, no laughter, just genuine sweetness. "Ed," you started softly. "I like you, alright?" you told him, watching as his expression softened. 

"You do?"

"'Course I do. You think I'd put up with all your lingering if I didn't?" you chuckled, shaking your head slightly. 

You yelped when he caught your arm and dragged you off to the side of the hallway, moving you out of the steady flow of people. He was looking down at you as if you were the most difficult puzzle he had ever set eyes on, his head tilted to the side. 

"You really like me?" he hummed, brow furrowed. 

"I do," you agreed, smiling when his hand lifted to touch yours lightly as if begging for your permission. You caught his hand, squeezing his fingers. "Do you like me?"

"You're kidding, right?" he uttered, letting out a snort of laughter. 


"I've been flirting with you all year-"

"That's not an answer," you reminded him.

He chuckled quietly to himself, shaking his head slightly. "Jesus Christ woman, of course, I like you."

"Good," you hummed, giving his fingers a final squeeze before dropping his hand. "Then I'll be at yours tonight at 7, okay?"

"7 sounds great," he confirmed, grinning when you moved out of the space between him in the wall, offering him a small wave as you headed to your class. You were all too aware that you were already going to be late, but not really capable of caring, especially when you glanced back again to find Eddie watching you, a bright smile on his face. 

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