Steve Harrington X Byers!Reader - Still Into You

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Still Into You by Paramore. Reader is Joyce's daughter, and Jonathon and Will's sister. I hope you all enjoy it.

It had been a little concerning when you'd made it three months into your relationship with Steve without ever meeting either of his parents. I mean, he'd always made it pretty clear that they travelled a lot: business meetings and vacations and work conventions all rolled up into a relatively small amount of time spent at home with their son. But then four months had rolled around. And then five. And when you hit six months you were starting to wonder whether Steve was just avoiding you ever having to meet them.

And then, out of the blue one afternoon, he'd gotten all nervous, shifting around in the driver's seat. He did this a lot. Whenever you needed to talk about something less lighthearted, he would drive you over to Lover's Lake and you would park up and just sit for a while until he gained the confidence to tell you what was on his mind. Sometimes, it wasn't all that serious; he'd asked you to come to a party and meet his friends on this very spot. But then again, he'd also brought you here to ask you to be his girlfriend, and again when he'd told you he loved you for the first time.

"Baby," he finally murmured, drawing a soft hum out of you as you turned around in your seat to face him. "So, it's not a big deal," he started again, looking so damn nervous that it made you feel a little bit sick. "But my Mom and Dad just came back into town and we were talking and-" his words trailed off. "They want you to come to dinner tonight."

A small smile pulled at your lips. "Okay-"

"I know we were going to go to the theatre, but-"

"Steve, I said okay," you told him, grabbing his hand in yours and squeezing it lightly. "I want to meet them," you reiterated. "We can go to the theatre any day. This is more important."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely certain."

*Time Skip*

In all honesty, you knew you should be nervous, coming into contact with Steve's parents for the first time,  but deep down, you knew it didn't matter. He barely ever had a nice word to say about them. He barely ever saw them. In fact, in the last six months, he'd seen them a total of 3 times. Once for Thanksgiving. Once for Christmas. And once just on a flying visit when his father came back to see an old friend. 

Deep down, you knew that no matter what they thought of you, it wouldn't change anything. Steve loved you. That wasn't going to suddenly go away just because his parents weren't your biggest fans. 

Steve had greeted you at the door, giving you a quick kiss as he led you over the threshold. 

"Hey, Handsome," you hummed, watching as he offered you a half-assed attempt at his normal smile. "What's wrong?"

He opened his mouth as if he was going to answer, before catching himself. "I'm fine. Just nervous."

"You don't have to be nervous," you told him a sweet smile pulling at your lips. "I'm going to nail this. You watch, they'll love me."

He chuckled, pressing another quick kiss to your lips before leading you inside. It was strange, you'd been in the house so many times before, Christ, you'd stayed here for days at a time, but right now it felt like a different place entirely. There was an awkward energy lingering around you, following you through the building.

"Mom. Dad. This is Y/N," Steve started, his hand resting on the small of your back as you caught sight of his parents for the first time. They were exactly what you had been expecting. Beautiful and immaculately dressed; not a hair out of place. Fuck, it was a little bit intimidating. 

Stranger Things - Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن