Billy Hargrove X Reader - Seventeen Going Under

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Trigger Warning: This one has mentions of domestic abuse situations and a hell of a lot of yelling and arguing. If this is going to have a negative effect on you, please skip over it. 

You had always known that Billy was an angry person. Years and years of taking his father's abuse had built up inside of him, leaving him bitter, and though he could usually push it to the back of his mind, sometimes it came fighting its way to the forefront. 

When it had just been the two of you, you had been able to cope with the outbursts. Sure, they were startling sometimes, watching him getting frustrated over something that usually wouldn't even bother him, and you'd had your fair share of blowout arguments, but you were normally smart enough to keep your distance and leave him to his own devices.

But now, with your daughter being so small and lacking in communication or understanding, it was harder. Most of the time, when he felt it building up, he would take himself off somewhere else. The shed at the end of the garden was his safe haven; his little quiet space where he could work off some pent-up energy with his workout gear, or even just sit in silence for a while whilst he calmed down. 

Unfortunately, his escape wasn't always possible. On the days like today, where you were off running errands and he was the only person in charge at home, he couldn't just walk away like he normally would. And when your daughter was hellbent on causing chaos, it seemed he was starting to struggle. 

It wasn't until he'd caught her scribbling with marker pens on the new tile floors that he had flipped, snatching the pen from her hand and earning himself a loud squealing cry. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he spat, snatching up the other pens and glaring down at her as she cried. "Jesus Christ, do you know how much we spent on these Goddamn tiles? A small fucking fortune. And you just go and ruin them the second I look away-"

She was wailing now, not used to being yelled at in such a harsh fashion. Sure, you raised your voice from time to time, no more than any other parent, but you never shouted like this. 

"We can't have a single nice fucking thing without it getting spoiled-" 

He growled as he launched the pens against the far wall, causing the crying to get louder. 

You'd just pulled up when you heard the crying, and not just overwhelmed 'I'm hungry' crying, but proper heartbreaking wails. You'd left the groceries in the back seat, making a beeline for the side door that you always left open for easy access. 

It was as you were opening the door that the pens had collided with the wall, scattering across the floor.

"Billy," you bit out, eyes wide when his glare landed on you. "What's going on?" you pressed on, moving further into the room to scoop your daughter off of the floor, cradling her against you. 

His gaze softened slightly when he saw you press her face into your neck, her crying calming slightly. "I didn't-"

"You don't get to talk to her like that," you bit out. "You don't get to make her hate you like you hate Neil."

"I didn't mean to-"

"She is your daughter," you uttered, shaking your head slightly. "Either get your shit together or get out. I'm not letting you make her as bitter and mean as you are. I'm not letting you get away with the shit Neil got away with." 

Billy nodded, swallowing down the lump in his throat as he watched you glaring at him. Of course, you'd argued before, but you'd never been so brutally honest with him. But you had someone else to think of now and you couldn't just keep coddling him if it was going to negatively impact her. "I'm sorry," he started, taking in a shaking breath. 

"She's a kid. She's going to make mistakes." You paused, shaking your head. "I know how hard it is, Billy. Believe me, I do. But you can't just take it out on her like that." 

"I know. I'm sorry. I promise I'm trying."

You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip as your daughter let out another soft whimper into your shoulder, almost fully calm again. "It's not me you have to apologise to, is it?"

He hesitated for a moment before moving behind you, reaching out to ruffle her hair slightly as he peered over your shoulder at her. "Hi," he breathed out, watching as her tearful eyes peeked open to look at him. "I'm sorry for shouting, Baby. I didn't mean it," he started again. "I'm not going to yell anymore, okay?" She nodded, wiping her tear-stained cheeks against your T-shirt before reaching out for him to hold her. 

He took her from your hesitantly, pressing his face into her hair and taking a deep breath. 

"She loves you, Billy," you murmured. "Don't give her a reason to stop," you added, touching his elbow gently.

He nodded, reaching out his free hand to pull you into the embrace and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "Would you help me find a therapist?" he hummed against you. 

"A therapist?"

"I don't want to dump it all on you, Sweetheart. My brain is fucked up-"

"Billy," you chastised gently. "Language."

He let out a humourless chuckle. "My brain is messed up, Sweetheart," he corrected himself. "I don't want to put that on you. You have so much on your mind as it is-"

"Alright. If that's what you want then I'll help you find a professional," you told him, giving him a quick kiss. "I'm proud of you for taking that step, okay? I'm proud that you're willing to put in the work to be better for her-"

"For both of you," he interrupted. "I should've started seeing someone when we first got together. Never should've yelled at you, either."

You shrugged slightly. "Yeah," you breathed out. "But at least you know that. You know that it wasn't right. That a pretty important step, right?" 

He nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is."

You pressed your forehead to his chest, letting out a soft sigh. "Now, who's going to help me get the groceries in from the car?" 

Billy let out a faux gasp, twisting to look down at your daughter. "Are we going to go and help mommy?" She let out an excited squeal as he put her back on her feet. "I bet mommy got us loads of nice treats," he pressed on, taking her hand and leading her out to the car whilst you watched on with a small smile. 

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