Eddie Munson X Wheeler!Reader - My Everything

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song You're The First, The Last, My Everything by Barry White. For this one, Reader is Mike and Nancy's older sister, who is the same age as Eddie. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Eddie had been more than happy to whisk you off of your feet. From the very first moment you had shown interest in him, he had gone full-on romance, and you had become his top priority. Of course, you'd always allowed him his own life. You were happy for him to spend his Fridays playing DnD and you often dropped in to watch him at the Hideout when the band were playing. But you really did love spending time with him. So when he'd suggested that he should probably meet your family, after almost 2 years of dating, you were more than happy to say yes. 

He'd been shifting around on your doorstep, listening to the footsteps approaching the front door, and his brow had furrowed when Mike had pulled the door open. 

"Eddie?" he murmured. "Shit, are we supposed to be doing Hellfire tonight? My sister has her boyfriend coming for dinner and my mom said I had to be here-"

Eddie shook his head, still looking a little confused. "You're Y/N's brother?"

Mike frowned. "How did you know her name?"

"Fuck," Eddie breathed out, clearing his throat slightly as you came hurrying down the stairs. 

"Hey, Baby," you called out, shoving past Mike to give Eddie a quick kiss. "You look so cute," you added, pulling at the collar of his button-up shirt. He'd clearly put in a lot of effort to make a good first impression. 

Eddie's hand rested lightly on your hip, his eyes darting between you and Mike. "I didn't realise Mike was your brother," he finally murmured.

"You're dating my sister?" Mike finally bit out, looking absolutely horrified by the new bit of information. "Come on, Eddie. Isn't that against guy code or something?"

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you. "Guy code?" you teased. "You sound like a frat boy," you pressed on, finally taking Eddie's hand and leading him inside. 

"You aren't allowed to date Y/N," Mike pressed on. "It's weird. It's creepy. It's straight-up wrong."

"It's not like I knew she was your sister," he muttered, shaking his head. "Y/N and I started dating before you even started high school. I didn't even know who you were."

Mike still looked pretty put out by the new revolution, trailing behind the two of you to the kitchen. 

"Mom, this is Eddie," you started, feeling his grip tighten on your hand. 

"It's so lovely to meet you," your mom started, sending Eddie her sweetest smile. "Y/N's told me so much about you-"

"Mom, tell them they have to break up," Mike interrupted.

"Michael," your mom yelped.

"Mike," you bit out at the same time, shooting him a glare so harsh that he looked a little shocked. 

"You're going to ruin him," he pressed on. "Eddie is so cool and you-" he paused shaking his head. "You're so lame. You're going to make him lame too. You're going to make him like girly movies and he'll end up not having time for Hellfire and it's going to be your fault."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "You finished?" you muttered, listening to the drawn-out sigh he released in response. "Eddie's been my boyfriend since you were 13, and he'd not gotten lame since then, has he?" 

"No, but-"

"Eddie is a grown-up. And I don't intend on changing him; I love him how he is." You felt Eddie's hand run up your spine, a silent confirmation that he loved you too. "I think he's cool too, idiot. And I like him that way." 

Mike was still frowning, his eyes darting over to look at Eddie. "You better not start dressing like this at school," he told him. "You look like a total dweeb." 

"I wasn't intending on it," Eddie confirmed, watching Mike nod. 

"See," you murmured. "He's not changing." 

*Time Skip*

"Oh shit," Eddie uttered, shoving his campaign notebook into his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder as he got to his feet. "We'll pick up where we left off next week."

"Where are you going?" Dustin started, standing up to follow him. 

"It's date night." It was a simple enough answer, but Mike let out the loudest, most frustrated groan Eddie had ever heard. "Don't start, Wheeler. We're already here later than we were supposed to be. I'm not skipping anything." Mike rolled his eyes. "Hurry up and I'll drop you home when I pick Y/N up," he pressed on, pulling his chair out from under him and making Mike sprawl out across the floor. 

Dustin was practically peeing himself with laughter as Mike regained his feet, packing up his stuff as slowly as he could manage. 

"If I'm late, I'm telling Y/N it was your fault," Eddie told him, arms crossed over his chest. "And I'm not protecting you when she goes all feral at you. It'll be your own fault."

"Fine," Mike muttered, finally packing away the last of his stuff and trailing Eddie out of the school building. "You know, you really are getting lame."

Eddie snorted with laughter. "Really?"

"Yeah. All you ever want to do is hang out with Y/N-"

"You want to know why?" Eddie hummed, nudging Mike sideways as they approached the van. "I'm in love with your sister," he told him, being as overdramatic as he could manage, his hand resting over his heart as he fake swooned. "Have been since the first time I saw her. She was so damn pretty that I couldn't even think straight." 


"And guess what," he pressed on, grinning when they were both situated in the van. Mike refused to look at him, sitting in the passenger seat looking like a grumpy, spoiled child. "Someday, I'm going to marry her and we'll have kids. And you'll be those kids' uncle, so you'd better sort your attitude out, dude or EJ's going to think you're a total dick." 

"EJ?" Mike muttered, brow furrowed.

"Eddie Junior."

Mike let out a shocked snort of laughter. "Eddie Junior?" 

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Y/N is never going to name her kid Eddie Junior," Mike corrected. "She's had her kid names picked out since she was like 8."

Eddie nodded, looking deep in thought for a second. "What are they?" 

"Sam for a boy and Carrie for a girl."

Eddie's tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. "Do you think I could convince her to put Samwise on the birth certificate?" he teased, watching out of the corner of his eye as Mike chuckled along with him. It was the first time since he'd discovered that you and Eddie were dating that he'd dropped the attitude and let Eddie be his friend again. "Or maybe if she's out of it enough on the pain meds I could do it without her noticing and just never tell her," he pressed on.  

"She'd kill you," Mike snorted. "And then she'd kill me if she ever found out that I knew."

"Maybe I could learn to live with just Sam. I'd quite like to stay alive to see my kids grow up, you know?" 

Mike's laughter died off pretty quickly, his face stony. "Do you really love her?"

Eddie glanced over at him for a moment. "More than anything."

"Swear it."

"I swear," Eddie confirmed. "I love her more than I thought I was capable of."

Mike nodded, clearing his throat slightly. "Fine," he uttered. "I guess if she's not made you totally lame by now she probably won't at all, huh?"

"She wasn't lying, Wheeler. She likes me because of all the shit you think is cool. She doesn't want me to stop being me." 

"Then I'm going to let you keep dating her." 

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