Steve Harrington X Reader - Fantasy

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Fantasy by Mariah Carey. I hope you all enjoy it.

"I really like that sweater," you murmured, catching Steve's sleeve in between your fingers and tugging at the material lightly. You'd been lingering around Family Video ever since he and Robin had started working there, trailing behind them whenever they were working. And sure, you could be a little distracting from time to time, but when you got to spend so much time with Steve, you really didn't care all that much. "It's cute," you added softly, watching as he grinned, still tapping away at the keyboard of the computer. 

"Yeah?" he uttered, glancing up at you when you nodded, still smiling at him. "It's only from K Mart. It's nothing special," he pressed on, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip before he turned his attention back to his work. 

Your smile faded slightly, your hold on his sleeve loosening until you were releasing him completely, leaning on the counter with your head balanced on your arms. You'd been trying to get his attention for months, trying your hardest to show him that you were interested in the hopes that maybe he would make the first move. But recently, you were starting to think he wasn't all that interested in you. I mean, every time you tried to drop something flirty into a conversation, he would skip over it like it hadn't even happened. And God, it was killing you, because he was so damn hot that you could barely think about anything else. 

It was silly really. You were friends. You had known Steve since Pre-K. But still, whenever he would compliment you, or God, even when he smiled in your direction, you got butterflies. It was pathetic. 

You pushed off of the desk, letting out a soft sigh. "I'm going to go grab some food; do you want anything?" you uttered, grabbing your bag from under the counter as he Steve watched you with furrowed brows. 

"No, I'm good," he hummed, watching you carefully, spotting the small frown painting your lips. "Are you alright?"

Your head shot up to look at him, and after a moment of surprised hesitation, you forced a smile onto your face. "Yeah," you told him, clearing your throat slightly. "Yeah, just hungry," you added as you fished out your wallet. "You sure you don't need feeding?"

He shook his head, still not looking so convinced by your lying. "I brought lunch from home," he told you, his eyes following you as you nodded, moving towards the door. 

"See you in a minute," you called out, walking out the door and down towards the diner on the corner. 

"You are so painfully ignorant," Robin breathed out, her head popping up from where she'd been shelving tapes on the other side of the store. "I swear you're completely clueless-"

"What are you talking about, Robin?" Steve bit out, attempting to turn his attention to the screen in front of him. 

Robin scoffed, abandoning her work to come and lean on the counter across from him. "I'm talking about Y/N's incredibly obvious crush on you," she told him, watching as his head shot up to look at her with wide eyes. 


"Oh come on, you are kidding, right?" She hesitated for a moment, seeing the unfaltering oblivious expression on his face. "Oh my God, you aren't kidding," she murmured, mouth hanging open. "She's literally always flirting with you," she pressed on. "I mean, she's not great at it, but she's been giving it her best shot. She's always touching you and complimenting you and-"

"She's like that with everyone," Steve interrupted. 

"She's not like it with me," Robin corrected. "She's not like it with Nancy or Jonathan or Eddie," she pressed on. "I've literally only ever seen her be like it with you." 

Steve's brow furrowed as he thought back, thinking over every interaction he could remember you having with the people around them. Shit, Robin was right. You weren't all touchy-feely with anyone else. It was just him. 

"Pretty sure everyone else knows," Robin added with a small shrug. 

"I thought she was just being nice," he murmured. "Fuck, if I'd known-"

The bell on the door chimed as you came strolling back in. "Who closes a diner on a Wednesday afternoon?" you cried out, clearly not registering the shocked looks being exchanged between your friends. "What's going on?" you added, your expression softening slightly as you glanced between the two of them. 


"Do you like me?" Steve interrupted, his eyes so focused on you that you felt a little sick. 

Fuck. You were always a crappy liar and under this sort of scrutiny, there was no way that you could be convincing if you tried to deny it. Your mouth opened and closed as you searched for a good way to word your answer. 

"Yeah?" you finally breathed out, looking so damn embarrassed that Steve felt a little guilty for calling you out so openly in front of Robin. "It's just a crush. It's not a big deal-"

"It's a massive deal," Steve interrupted. "I can't believe I didn't realise."

Suddenly, it was as if your entire body had deflated, your shoulders dropping. After all this time, to have Steve just shut you down so effortlessly was painful enough. For him to do it in front of Robin was something else. 

"I-" your words got stuck in your throat and you bit down on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from bursting into tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with the flirting-"

"You were flirting with me?"

You nodded slightly, swallowing down the lump in your throat. 

"You're not very good at it, you know?" he pressed on.

Your expression shifted rather suddenly from embarrassed to angry, shooting him a pretty nasty glare. "It's not my fault that you're completely clueless," you bit at him, watching his eyes widen in horror. 

"I'm not trying to be mean, Sweetheart," he uttered, moving around the counter to where you were standing as Robin made her hasty escape into the back room. "I'm just teasing. I think it's cute." He paused for a moment, watching as the anger slipped from your face. "I just wish I'd known a little sooner, you know?"

You nodded your understanding, clearing your throat slightly. 

"Because I think you're incredible," he told you, finally reaching out to take your hand in his. "And I didn't want to hit on you because I thought you'd never want anything to do with me, alright? I wish I'd realised that you were flirting so that I could've flirted back."

"Oh," you murmured, a small smile pulling at the corners of your lips. "Sorry for being mean-"

"Don't apologise for that," he interrupted. "You didn't do anything worth being sorry for. I just went about it the wrong way."

You swallowed, realising just how close Steve was standing now, and then his free hand had lifted to catch your chin, drawing you into a quick kiss. 

"Please keep flirting with me," he hummed, his lips still brushing yours as he spoke. 

You nodded your agreement, pressing forward to kiss him again. 

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