Eddie Munson X Reader - Crashed The Wedding

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Crashed The Wedding by Busted. This is set after Hawkins goes back to normal at the end of Stranger Things. I hope you all enjoy it.

God, you'd never felt so sick in your entire life. It was a pretty stark contrast to your reflection, decked in head-to-toe white lace, your makeup and hair forced into a pristine style which made you look like a completely different person. Yeah, this was practically torture and your stomach was so uneasy that you were ready to run to the bathroom and empty it at any second. 

"So pretty," your mother hummed softly, stepping up behind you to smile at you in the mirror, catching the frown plastered on your lips. "You know, one of these days you'll thank your father for this," she added softly, rubbing your upper arms lightly to soothe you. "You're going to make a wonderful wife," she pressed on, her own smile faltering for just a second before she stepped away from you. 

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, forcing back tears as you finally turned away from your reflection. "I would've made a better wife if I was in love with the man I was marrying," you murmured softly, regretting it the moment you heard her sigh in frustration. 

"Y/N, I'm done talking about this-"

"I would've been a great wife to Eddie-"

"Eddie Munson lives in a trailer and sells drugs to make ends meet," she bit at you, silencing you before you could even finish defending yourself. "You might have been a great wife to him, but what sort of life would he have given you?"

You hesitated for a moment, your breath catching in your throat. "At least I would've had a chance at being happy with him," you uttered, watching as your mother shook her head in disbelief. 

"Give it time and I'm sure you'll be happy with Grant," she started. 

You stayed silent. You'd had the same argument with both of your parents time and time again, going around in circles as you practically begged them to call off the wedding. But your pleas had been falling on deaf ears since day one, and now here you were on the day of the wedding, still silently praying that something would happen to bring the day to a grinding halt.

"Your father will be waiting," she started again, pulling the door open and ushering you out of the room. 

There was a moment, as you reached the bottom of the stairs, that you contemplated making a run for it. The door was open, after all. But the heels clinging precariously to your feet made it pretty obvious that you wouldn't make it that far without falling. And then, you'd be walking the aisle not only heartbroken but limping too. 

As your father linked his arm through yours, you took a deep breath, attempting to steady yourself for what was to come. 

"At least try and smile," he grumbled beside you, frowning himself as you swallowed down your nerves. 

"I don't feel like smiling-"

"Stop being a brat and do as you're told," he bit, tightening his hold on your hand slightly.

You plastered a watery smile onto your features, though it looked more like a grimace really, and the doors opened, revealing your husband-to-be, looking rather flustered at the alter. He wasn't unattractive, really. In fact, if it hadn't been for your love for Eddie, you probably wouldn't have been so upset about the arrangement. 

"You look nice," he uttered, offering you an awkward smile as your own smile dropped away. This felt so wrong. Eddie was your soulmate, you'd known as much from the very first moment he'd given you an ounce of attention, and right now, you felt as though you were committing some heinous crime, even though you had no say in it yourself.

The pastor began his spiel, reading from a bible verse your father had requested as you glanced out into the crowd of guests, your eyes landing on Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin, all looking totally heartbroken on your behalf at the very back of the church. Part of you had been hoping that you'd spot Eddie with them too, hoping that he'd offer you a little bit of comfort, though you knew deep down that it would have only hurt more to have to do this in front of him. 

It wasn't until just after the pastor asked for any objections to the union that the doors burst open, and your heart jumped into your throat as you saw Eddie marching down the aisle towards you. 

Your father was on his feet in an instant, attempting to stop him before he could reach you. 

"Y/N, Baby," Eddie called out, stopping when he noticed your father standing like a roadblock between you. "I'm sorry that I didn't get here earlier," he added, his voice catching in his throat slightly. "I wanted to, I promise-"

"Eddie," you murmured softly, looking so lost that it almost broke his heart all over again. Hell, he'd thought it had been bad when you'd told him your father's plan, but this was something else. 

"You look so beautiful, Sweetheart," he pressed on, his mouth opening and closing as your father moved closer to him, ready to escort him out of the church.

As if you'd been struck by lightning, you jumped into action, pulling your hands away from the man in front of you. "I'm so sorry," you uttered, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. Without another second of hesitation, you were hurrying down the step, jostling past your father and taking Eddie's hand in yours, tugging him towards the exit. 

"Get back here-"

You paused in the doorway, your grip on Eddie's hand tightening for just a second before releasing. "Shit," you muttered, tugging the engagement ring off of your finger and placing it down on the collection plate. "Nearly forgot," you added softly, feeling Eddie link his fingers through yours, drawing you closer until he was kissing you for the entire crowd to see. 

*Time Skip*

You sighed as you lounged against the motel bed, your legs dangling from the end as Eddie put the phone on speaker, listening to the dial tone ring. 


"Hey Uncle Wayne," Eddie hummed, hearing a disgruntled sigh on the other end. 

"Boy, I've had Y/N's Daddy in here cursing your name to high Heaven. What on earth did you do?"

Eddie heard you release a soft snort of laughter. "I made the best choice of my life," Eddie murmured, laying back beside you, feeling you shuffle closer to him. "I would've regretted it for the rest of my days if I hadn't, Wayne. And she would've too." He paused for a moment. "Y/N didn't want to marry him. She didn't even know him until her Dad decided to get rid of me."


"It's true, Mr Munson," you murmured, a small smile pulling at your lips. "It was never my choice to marry him and I didn't want to be his wife."

Wayne sighed again, and you could just about picture him running his hands over his face. "Where are you?"

You hesitated for a moment, glancing up at Eddie. "We're heading to Las Vegas," he confessed. "We'll come back once we've got a marriage certificate," he added. 

"Make sure it's all legal and binding," Wayne muttered. "I'm not going through all this again," he pressed on. He paused, clearing his throat. "Y/N, Sweetheart, welcome to the Munsons."

You were grinning when Eddie risked a glance over at you. "Thanks, Mr Munson."

"Hell, you oughta start calling me Wayne, now, Kid; we're family."

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