Eddie Munson X Reader - Maneater

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song Maneater by Daryl Hall and John Oates. Reader has a specific look going on (fashion-wise) in this chapter just to make the character recognisable, but body type/skin colour/etc isn't described in detail. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Eddie had always avoided locker room chatter. As if having to do Phys-Ed wasn't bad enough, he then had to suffer through the gross shared showers and even grosser topics of conversation that the other guys were so obsessed with. Usually, it would be whatever actress or singer or model had taken their fancy and every now and then one of the girls from school would slip in there too. But since Billy had joined the school, the girls from school seemed to have become far more interesting to them. 

"There's this girl in my Spanish class," Billy started, still standing under the flow of water, and Eddie immediately tried to force their voices out of his head. He was so tired of hearing about the latest conquests, even when he wasn't part of the conversation. 

"Has she got a name?" Tommy muttered, pushing his wet hair back out of his face. 

Billy shrugged, switching off the water and shaking the stray droplets out of his hair. "Shit, I don't know. She's hot as shit, though. Got that alternative thing going on-" He paused for a moment, letting out a low whistle. "Always in band tees and these ripped-up jeans, but she's so hot that you can kind of ignore that part, you know?"

Tommy snorted. "Hey, Harrington. Our friend Billy here just discovered Y/N Y/L/N for the first time," he teased, hearing a disgruntled sigh slip out of Steve.

The second your name had entered the conversation, Eddie had stiffened. Never in his life had he heard these guys even mention you in passing, let alone make you the centre of their conversation, and by the sounds of it, they had a lot of thoughts to share. 

"Steve here asked Y/N out last year before he got all caught up on his little priss girlfriend," Tommy pressed on, slapping a hand against Steve's shoulder and causing a horrendously loud, wet sound to resonate in the room. "And what did she say to your little offer, Harrington?"

"She said 'no'," Steve sighed, clearly as put out by the conversation as Eddie was. 

Tommy shook his head. "She didn't just say no; she laughed in his face," he snorted. "Tore his little heart out, didn't it, Harrington?"

"It's not like I was super into her or something," he defended. "I just thought she was hot. And usually, those alternative girls put out." He forced an awkward shrug. "Turns out, she's turned down every guy who's ever hit on her and this asshole didn't think to warn me," he muttered. 

"She's a tease; walking around here looking like that and never letting anyone get some," Tommy pressed on, causing Eddie's hands to clench into fists as he pushed himself further under the water, attempting to calm himself. 

"Yeah, well, she's never had the pleasure of meeting me, has she?" Billy finally rejoined the conversation, a cocky smile playing on his lips. "I mean, you're a good-looking guy, Harrington, but there's Indiana attractive and then there's California attractive. She won't know what hit her."

Tommy snorted again. "She's deadly, Man. It's not worth it. She's going to chew you up and spit you out." He paused for a moment. "She just enjoys the power of turning guys down. Makes her feel hotter than she is when really the only thing she's got going for her is that she's retaking senior year. She's an older lady-"

"Jesus Christ," Eddie grumbled, running his hands over his face, attempting to scrub away the frustration building in his chest. 

"You got something to say to me, Munson?" 

Eddie glanced over his shoulder to find the three boys watching him. He hesitated for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. "She didn't turn Harrington down because she 'enjoys the power'," he hummed, shaking his head. "She turned him down because she's already got a boyfriend." 

"Bullshit," Tommy grunted. "As if any guy is going to keep quiet about getting to fuck her-"

"She's been with the same guy since the start of 9th grade," Eddie pressed on. 

Billy eyed Eddie for a moment, looking for any hint of a lie. "She a friend of yours?"

"Yeah," Eddie uttered, switching off the shower and wrapping his towel around his middle. "If that's what you want to call it." He shrugged slightly.  "I tend to call her my girlfriend, though." 

*Time Skip*

"Baby," you hummed, running your hand over Eddie's hair as he burrowed his face into your collarbone. "It's not a big deal. It's not like we've been hiding it; they were just too clueless to notice-"

"I shouldn't have told them without asking you first," he grumbled against your skin, causing a soft chuckle to fall from your lips. 

"Eddie, Sweetie. If you had asked I would've said yes, okay? It doesn't matter." You paused for a moment, pulling back so that he had to look up at you, your eyes capturing his. "And if it means I get to avoid being hit on by that weird new guy, then I'm actually really grateful that you did tell them."


You chuckled, craning your neck to press a kiss to his lips. "Yeah. You should see the way he talks to his sister. It's gross. If I can avoid ever having to have a conversation with him, I'll die happy."

Eddie snorted, shifting up to pull you into another kiss. "Can't believe they thought you were a maneater," he murmured against your lips. "You're the soppiest," he added, nudging your nose with his. 

"I'm the soppy one, huh?" you chuckled as he shifted away, just enough to rest his head in your lap. "I happen to remember that only one of us has written a pretty large collection of love songs about the other," you murmured, your fingers immediately moving to play with his hair, causing his eyes to flutter closed. "And it definitely wasn't me."

"Whatever you say, Baby," he hummed, lifting his fingers to his lips and pressing a kiss to them, only to lift them again and tap your lips. You nipped lightly at his fingertip, his eyes shooting open to look up at you. "My own personal little maneater," he murmured, trailing his fingers over your cheek before dropping them back down to his stomach. 

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