Eddie Munson X Reader - The Very First Night (Part 2)

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A/N - This chapter is a follow-up to another in this book. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You held your breath as you waited for the phone to connect, biting down on your bottom lip as the ringing chimed out through the speaker. 

"Hello?" the voice hummed out, sounding a little confused. Clearly, Eddie didn't get phone calls often, and by the sounds of it, he definitely didn't get phone calls this early on a Monday morning.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up."

"Y/N," he cried out, his voice perking up the second that he heard you through the phone. "You coming for another LA visit?"

You paused for a moment, before swallowing down your nerves. "Not so much a visit," you told him. "I got the job; I'm moving to California."

"Shit, Sweetheart, congratulations," he uttered. You could hear the smile in his voice; could picture him perfectly, the phone propped between his chin and shoulder whilst he was still half asleep, hair messy from tossing and turning all night, but still grinning at the information you were giving him. "Have you sorted somewhere to live yet? I've got a spare room if you need somewhere to stop over-"

"The company is actually setting me up with an apartment," you interjected. "But I was wondering whether we could hang out when I come to town. I don't really know anyone from the new office yet and you know what I'm like with making friends," you rattled on, hearing him let out a small snort of laughter from his end of the phone. 

"Do you really think I would ever turn down an offer to spend time with you, Baby?"

Your chest tightened at the little nickname he so effortlessly dropped into conversation. Force of habit, you reminded yourself. You'd been together for 8 years, stuff like that just comes naturally after being together for that long. 

"You flying in or driving?"

"Flying," you confirmed. "Got a moving company bringing everything else up a couple of days later," you added softly, perfectly content with having a normal conversation for once. Hell, you missed everything about Eddie, but the thing you'd always missed the most was how effortless he made every single thing in your life. Communication was easy with him, even if the topic wasn't. Everything was easy with him.

"When do you get in? I'll come pick you up."

You hesitated for a moment. "I have a really late flight; I'll just get a cab-"

"Don't be ridiculous," he murmured. "Come on, when do you get in?"

"Friday Night," you told him, letting out a soft sigh. "Honestly, Eddie, you don't have to pick me up-"

"What time?" he interrupted, all too aware of your inbuilt fear of being an imposition. 

You shook your head in disbelief, letting another sigh slip out of you. "My flight lands at 10 pm," you confessed. 

"This is at LAX right?"

"Yeah," you breathed out. 

"What terminal?"

You paused for a moment. You didn't have to tell him, really. You could just refuse to answer and get a cab. But you really did want to see Eddie, even if it was just on a drive from the airport to your place. "7," you finally murmured.

"Then I'll be waiting for you right there in the arrivals lounge, Baby," he told you, still grinning from ear to ear. 

*Time Skip*

"There she is," Eddie called out when he spotted you amongst the crowd of people flowing out into the waiting area, his smile so bright that it almost took your breath away. "Hey, Pretty Girl," he pressed on when you finally made your way over to him, a soft smile on your lips. "How was your flight?"

"Terrible, like always," you told him with a soft chuckle. 

Eddie hesitated for a moment, smiling down at you. "I, uh-" he cleared his throat, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. "God, I don't know how to act, you know?" he told you, letting out an awkward bubble of laughter. "I'm still not used to saying 'hi' without touching you-"

"You're allowed to touch me," you interjected, offering him your sweetest smile. "You always give the best hugs," you added with a small shrug. 

"I wasn't thinking about the hugs," he breathed out. 

"Oh," you murmured, glancing away from him for a moment in an attempt to compose yourself. 

Eddie let out a small snort of laughter. "Almost forgot how pretty you are when you go all shy on me," he told you, watching your head quickly snap back to look at him. "Come on, you must be exhausted. Let's get you home."

*Time Skip*

The drive to your new apartment was quiet. You didn't say much, too busy taking in the interior of the car Eddie had clearly gotten since moving out to California. It was comfortable, way more comfortable than the van ever had been, but there was something missing. It smelt new; clean. It was still so pristine that it was hard to imagine that it actually belonged to Eddie at all. 

He'd insisted on helping you up the stairs with your bags when you'd finally made it to your apartment building, trailing up the steps behind you as you fumbled through your purse in search of your keys. But the second he'd walked in, seeing the entire place empty, he'd stopped moving, shaking his head slightly. 

"Where's the furniture?" he hummed, glancing around the empty living room in the hopes that maybe he was missing something. 

"It's coming over from Hawkins. Should be here in a couple of days-"

"Nope," Eddie muttered, immediately heading back out the door with your bag. 

Your brows furrowed in confusion as you trailed after him. "Where are you going?"

"You're not sleeping on the floor here when there's a perfectly good spare bed at my place," he told you, already moving down the first couple of steps. 

"Eddie, it's fine-"

"You aren't staying here," he uttered, voice firm, giving you zero wiggle room to negotiate. "You can stay at mine for a couple of nights. Hell, I'll get the boys to come over and we can have a couple of drinks and catch up, and then you can just crash with me. It'll be like old times, right?"

You hesitated for a moment, letting out a soft sigh. "Eddie-"

"And then tomorrow, I'd like to take you on a date," he pressed on, interrupting you. "Because I've been missing you so bad, Baby, and I want to go back to how we were. Please."

You could barely make sense of what he was saying, your mouth opening and closing as you search for something to say to make it all a little clearer in your head. "A date?"

He nodded slightly, clearing his throat. "Yeah. A proper date at a fancy restaurant. The stuff I should've been doing the first time around."

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "We were kids the first time around," you reminded him, a soft smile spreading over your lips. "And the only fancy restaurant in Hawkins was Enzo's," you added, drawing a soft snort of laughter out of him. 

"Is that a yes?"

There was a moment of hesitation as you considered how to answer that question, and then you bit into your bottom lip ever so gently, nodding. "Of course, it's a yes, Eddie. It was always a yes."

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