Steve Harrington X Reader - Lemon

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song Lemon by Daddy Issues. Just for a little context, this chapter is set a few years into the future and will probably be completely nonsensical when the final season eventually comes out. In my head, Steve and all the older kids are in their mid-twenties. I hope you all enjoy it.

"So, there's this party this weekend," Robin started, plonking herself down on your bed whilst you continued to busy yourself with the magazine you had been reading, pretending that you hadn't heard her attempt to draw you into a conversation. "And, of course, everyone is going. Me and Nance and Lucas and Max and-"

"You could've just stopped at every one. I already got the point," you teased, rolling your eyes when she knocked your knee with hers.

"Okay, well, like I was saying," she pressed on, shaking her head. "Everyone is going and it's going to be so much fun and I was thinking that you could come as my plus one. We can get ready here before we go and-"

"Is Steve going to be there?" She stayed quiet for a moment, something that you knew took a lot of effort on her part. "Robin, It's Steve's party, isn't it?"

Her mouth opened and closed as she searched for something to say, her cheeks tinting pink under your watchful eye. "Well, technically-"

"Is this a party for Steve's birthday?" you bit out, watching as she winced at your comment. "You know why I can't just show up at his birthday party, right? You do remember that we had a horrendously rough break-up? You know, like, he told me he wanted to break up and I went completely batshit crazy and threw his stuff out of my house and into the front yard, rough."

"Vaguely," she murmured, letting out a soft sigh. "But you haven't seen Nance since she and Jonathan got engaged. And you were only at the party for what? 10 minutes?"

"Yeah," you grumbled. "Because Steve showed up and I didn't want to spoil Nancy's night. Robin, this is a ridiculous idea."

Robin let out a frustrated grumble. "I would go to one of Vickie's parties for you," she murmured, eyes fixed on the ceiling. 

"That's different-"

"It's the exact same thing. We broke up. But I would still go somewhere where I would have to see her if you asked me to."

"You and Vickie broke up because she was moving out of state for college. It was a mutual decision." You shook your head. "Steve broke up with me. It definitely wasn't mutual and it fucking sucked."

Robin sat up, brow furrowed slightly. "Y/N, it was two years ago. Can't you just put it behind you for one night?"

"Why? So that I can be designated driver whilst you all get shitfaced and celebrate King Steve?" You paused for a moment. "Because we both know that that's exactly what's going to happen." You shook your head. "And I'll be fucking miserable the entire time."

"What if I promise not to get shitfaced?" she murmured. "Please, you never see any of them anymore and they all miss you." When you still looked unsure, she grabbed your hands. "What if we share a cab and I stay here the night? That way, we can both drink and it'll loosen you up a little bit. And as soon as you're ready to go, we'll go."

You hesitated for a moment, holding her in your wary gaze. "Fine. But I doubt he'll want me there," you muttered, shaking your head slightly. "No one wants their ex showing up unannounced at their birthday."

*Time Skip*

The second you had walked through the door, Nancy had been on you, her arms wrapping around your middle as she tugged you into a tight embrace. Clearly, she'd gotten here a little earlier than you and had already had a chance to experience the booze that had been gathered in the kitchen. 

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