Steve Harrington X Reader - Honey Honey

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the Mamma Mia version of the song Honey Honey by Abba. In this Eddie is Reader's best friend but there is quite a lot of pining and longing from him in this one, so even though it's a Steve X Reader, Steve isn't actually in it, just mentioned a lot. This is set during season 2 but in this version, Steve and Nancy broke up in season 1. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Eddie was frowning as you floated through the hallways. He'd never seen you look so perfectly happy before, and of course, that would normally be a good thing, but right now, you were definitely happy for the wrong reasons. Ever since Steve had asked you out the other week, you'd basically been on cloud 9 non-stop, and whilst Eddie was happy that you'd met someone you actually liked, he wasn't sure he trusted Steve all that much. After all, since coming to High School, Steve had always seemed like a bit of a dick. He was a total jock and you were part of the Hellfire club. Those two circles didn't exactly run around together. It just didn't happen. 

But, that hadn't stopped you from fawning over Steve Harrington. Not even slightly. You were so caught up in him that you seemed incapable of focusing on anything else. 

"You know," you'd started, hooking your arm through Eddie's elbow and shooting him the sweetest damn smile he had ever seen. "Steve's taking me out again tonight," you'd pressed on, grinning up at him. "This is going to be the 5th date he's taken me on-"

"Tonight?" Eddie murmured, brow furrowed as he frowned down at you. "We've got Hellfire tonight, Bug. You never miss a session," he told you, watching as your smile faded slightly.

"It's just once," you started, forcing the smile back. "I'll be back next week. And besides, it's not like I actually play. I'm just there to watch," you reminded him, patting his arm lightly. "You can fill me in on all the drama tomorrow," you pressed on, watching his face in the hopes that it would soften and he would cave. 

Eddie sighed, glancing away from you for a second. "Whatever," he muttered, untangling his arm from yours as he approached his locker, shoving his stuff inside a little too roughly. 

"Eddie," you whined. "Come on, it's one time."

"It's fine," he breathed, grumbling when you wiggled your way in beside him, nudging him to look at you. "It's fine, Bug," he repeated, incapable of hiding the little smile that pulled at the corner of his lips when you were this close to him. "It's one session, right? Go have fun."

Your grin came back full force and you quickly wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you," you squealed. "I'll give you the date debrief when I come over tomorrow. And you can give me the campaign debrief, get me all caught up for next week," you rattled on, releasing him with a bright chuckle. "I've got to get to class," you started again, releasing him from your hold and skipping off down the hallway. 

*Time Skip*

The next morning, you were at Eddie's door at 10 AM, despite the rule he'd tried implementing about never been woken up before noon. And you'd let yourself in without hesitation, hurrying down the hallway and into his bedroom. 

Eddie grumbled when the door opened and spilled sunlight into the room, burying his face into his pillow with a low groan. "Bug? What time is it?"

"Time for you to wake up," you cried, bouncing onto the bed like an excitable puppy and grinning at him. "Come on, I need to tell you all about last night," you pressed on, shoving his shoulder as he rolled over to the other side of the bed, pulling his covers over his head. "Eddie," you whined, a playful pout pulling at your lips. "Wake up."

"I'm awake," he uttered back, his voice muffled by the sheets. "You're a fantastic alarm clock, Bug," he added, drawing a snort of laughter out of you.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend," you cried out, and suddenly, Eddie's grumbling stopped. He hesitated for a moment before sitting up, brow furrowed. 

"What?" he muttered, looking so damn confused that your smile faded slightly. "You guys have been on like three dates-"

"Five," you interrupted, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "And, I mean, it all just feels so natural," you pressed on, shaking your head slightly. "I've never felt this way about anyone before," you added softly.

Eddie nodded, trying his hardest not to be mean when you were clearly so excited. "So, you said yes?"

You hesitated for a second. "Yeah, of course I did," you murmured, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "I think you'd really like him if you got to know him. He's not as stuck up as we used to think he was."

"Yeah," he mumbled, nodding slightly. Shit, this sucked worse than he had been expecting. Sure, he'd known that if he didn't step up and make a move, you'd eventually end up dating someone else. I mean, you were a total smoke show, it was only a matter of time before someone else asked you out. But he definitely hadn't thought it would be Steve Harrington. He'd assumed that sort of guy wasn't even your type. "I'm sure you're right," he added softly. 

"I know you're not his biggest fan-"

"If you like him then I like him," Eddie interrupted you, forcing a smile. "Just want you to be happy, Bug," he added with a small shrug, watching as a small smile pulled at your lips. 

There was nothing you wanted more than Eddie's approval. He was your best friend and he had been since you were little kids. 

"You mean it?"

Eddie nodded, biting back the tight feeling building in his chest as he realised that he'd missed his shot. "Course I mean it," he murmured, clearing his throat. "Now clear out, I'm still sleeping," he added, dramatically falling back against the pillows and drawing a bright peel of laughter out of you.

"You still need to tell me about Hellfire last night," you murmured, flumping down beside him and grinning at him. "Kill any of our friends?"

He sighed. "Not a soul," he grumbled. "Really thought Halastar Blackcloak would take at least one of them out this time, but the boys had some good rolls on them last night and I was rolling like shit," he told you. "Almost sent him packing in one session," he added, glancing down at you to find you grinning at him. 

"You'll get 'em next time," you hummed, patting his arm lightly. "Maybe you had bad rolls because I wasn't there cheering you on," you added with a snort of laughter. "You were missing your good luck charm."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, that was probably the problem," he agreed softly.

"Well, I'll be back next week, but I might have to dip out a little early because Steve's taking me to the movies-"

"Oh," he interrupted, brow furrowed. "Thought you said you were only missing one session."

"I'll be there," you agreed. "I just have to leave a little early-"

"Then why even bother coming?" he muttered. "Might as well just miss the whole campaign."

Your smile dropped, all sense of joking leaving the conversation. "I'll only miss like 15 minutes," you murmured. "I don't want to miss the start of the movie."

"Right," he grumbled. 

"Eddie, please. It's not a big deal. You basically all just sit around talking for the last 15 minutes anyway-"

"It's fine," he muttered. "But i'd rather you didn't come if you're going to disrupt the session to leave early."

You looked so Goddamn sad that Eddie couldn't bring himself to look at you, his eyes turning to the ceiling as you stared at him in disbelief. Eddie had never been so blunt with you before. Hell, he'd never even said a mean word to you. And now here he was basically kicking you out of Hellfire. 

"Okay," you murmured, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "I'll miss next week," you added, sitting up and getting off of his bed. "I ought to get home. I promised my mom I'd help clean out the garage," you pressed on, biting down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from bursting into tears. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, Bug."

You hesitated for a second before shoving your way out of the room, making a hasty escape past Wayne and out of the trailer. 

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