Eddie Munson X Wheeler!Reader - Teenage Dirtbag

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. I hope you all enjoy it.

Eddie had been dreading Prom Night since the first day the first decorations had started going up in the halls of Hawkins High. It's like something had burrowed into your brain and told you that it was your mission to get the entirety of Hellfire to go, too. After all, you were head of the prom committee, and as everyone knew, a successful prom was one with a big crowd. 

You'd managed to convince Mike, Dustin, and Lucas pretty quickly. It was easy to twist their arms when you'd been their unofficial chauffeur ever since you had gotten your licence. But the others were a little harder to sway and they'd become your mission. 

"We'll even play some of that music you like; the really heavy stuff," you started, perched on one of the seats at the far end of the table, right next to Mike, and leaning out over the surface to get a good look up at the rest of them. "Everyone'll be dancing and we all get dressed up; It'll be fun."

"It sounds shit," Jeff hummed, offering you a sorry smile when your excited expression dropped from your features. "Sorry," he added softly. 

"Come on, it's senior year for a lot of you guys and it's one night. Don't you want to at least try something new?"

"Not particularly," Gareth murmured, picking at his lunch and avoiding eye contact. In the time that you'd all been in High School, you'd never even looked at any of them before Mike had joined Hellfire, but now here you were practically begging them to go to a party. It was insane and in all honesty, none of them really knew how to respond without sounding like total assholes. 

"We'll still come, Y/N," Dustin interjected, sending you a toothy grin around Mike. You reached out, ruffling his hair and sending him your sweetest smile back. 

"You're a little Angel," you told him. "How's persuading Max coming along?" 

He shrugged slightly. "She's really not feeling it-"

"Tell her that I'll take her out for some driving lessons in the car if she comes," you hummed. "Boys," you added to the wider table as you got to your feet. "We've still got another week, so just let me know if you change your minds."

You made a hasty exit after that, flicking through your binder as you went, already trying to figure out the next job that you needed to get sorted. 

"She's not going to let it go that easily, you know?" Mike hummed, picking his way through what was left of your lunch even though he'd already finished his own. "She's relentless-"

"She's getting to be a pain in the ass," Eddie murmured, trying to play off just how uncharacteristically quiet he'd been whilst you were sitting at the table. "She's been over here during lunch every day for the last week-"

"I didn't hear you complaining when you were staring at her," Dustin interrupted, eyes widening when Eddie shot him a harsh glare. "Y/N's nice. What's wrong with her coming over?"

Eddie let out a deep sigh. "Nothing," he bit out, holding his hands up in surrender. "She just derails all of the campaign talks we need to be having. Can't do that when she's sitting there talking about prom the whole time-"

"You know, when we were kids, Y/N used to dress up for our DnD sessions? She had this cool fairy costume-"

"She told us not to tell anyone that," Lucas interrupted, smacking Dustin around the back of the head. 

Eddie raised an eyebrow. "Did she play?"

"No; but she liked watching us play. Said it was better than half of the stuff on TV." 

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