Steve Harrington X Munson!Reader - Mama Said

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Mama Said by Lukas Graham. Reader is Eddie's little sister who is in Steve's school year, and all three are currently in senior year (set just before the start of season 3.) I hope you all enjoy it.

It had become pretty common for Steve to come and meet you outside of your classroom at the end of school. He loved driving you home and a large part of that was walking you to his car. It was cute and you'd informed him of as much every time he slung his arm around your shoulders and took your books from you, tucking them under his other arm as you walked together. 

"I rented Footloose for tonight," he hummed. "And I picked up popcorn and chips and candy-"

"Hold up," another voice called out, making Steve's itinerary for the night drop off into silence as Jason jogged around to stand in front of you. "Are you guys coming to Tommy H's party tonight?"

Your brow furrowed. Everyone knew that Steve and Tommy hadn't spoken in over a year. They had been avoiding each other like the plague for longer than any normal pair of fallen-out friends. 

"We weren't planning on it," Steve murmured. "We've got plans."


"I'm sure plenty of other people will show up," Steve pressed on. "Us two not being there won't make a huge difference." 

Jason let out a soft sigh. "We were hoping you would get some weed off of the Freak for us," he pressed on, and your entire body tensed as a glare pulled at your features.

"Excuse me?" you bit out.

"I mean, you're his sister, so surely it'd be an easy deal-"

"Dude," Steve sighed softly beside you, shaking his head. 

"Did you just call my brother 'the freak'?" you pressed on, clearly more pissed than Jason had first realised. 

He shuffled from foot to foot, looking completely out of his element. "Everyone calls him that-" he murmured, swallowing down the lump forming in his throat. "I just thought-"

"Not in front of me, they don't," you bit out.

"It's just a nickname," he pressed on, shaking his head slightly. "Don't get your panties in a twist."

Steve let you slip out from under his arm. "Just stop talking, man."

"He's into all that devil worship stuff, though, and he listens to that weird music all the time," Jason kept going, looking completely oblivious to the anger burning deep in your chest, desperate to make its escape. "He is a freak."

You had punched him before he could see it coming, pain shooting through your hand as he reeled away from you. His hands shot up to his face, cradling his bleeding nose.

"What the fuck?" he cried out, looking down at you in sheer shock. "You broke my fucking nose."

"Eddie isn't a freak," you bit at him. "And if I hear you talking about him like that again I'll break more than just your fucking nose."

Steve had a hand on your shoulder a moment later, steering you away from Jason as you continued seething. 

"Told you to stop talking," he hummed to Jason, offering up a small shrug as he moved you further down the hallway. 

"She's as fucking bad as he is," Jason yelled after you. "Your entire family are fucking feral."

You flipped him the middle finger over your shoulder, grinning when you noticed the blood staining his shirt. "Enjoy your shitty party, Asshole," you called back, tucking yourself back under Steve's arm as you reached the exit to the car park. 

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