Chapter 3

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       "So, my name's Ella. What are your names friends?!" the older woman asked in a shout.

       "Barkeep, get us some ale!" Ella asked again with a shout. Her accent almost amplified her voice. The barkeep nodded and began filling up pints.

       "Well, my name is Ara'Sei." The blonde girl replied.

       "Cedric." The elf said softly.

       "Uh, Eris." The half-orc stated.

       "Well, it's great to meet all of you! All of you seem capable enough to be warriors? And was it magic that I saw? Ah, we'll be friends, trust me!" Ella stated loudly with a laugh. Ara' Sei smiled.

       "Well, Ella, would you mind if I travelled with you?" Cedric asked.

       "Of course not, feel free, just don't weigh me down and I'm fine!" Ella said with a laugh. The pints of ale all arrived at the table. Ella immediately began downing hers. Eris pulled the ale towards their side of the table but didn't start drinking.

       "Come on now! Have a drink, you just fought something. You've gotta be thirsty right?!"

       "Speaking of the fight, Ella, you're still hurt. Do you need any further aid?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Oh, you mean this," as she pointed to the blackened flesh on her arm.

       "Yeah, that doesn't look too good." Ara' Sei said.

       "The wounds ain't the problem. I just feel weak, very weak. Like my age caught up to me just as I was fighting or something. If it doesn't go away... well... that wouldn't be very nice." Ella's joyous attitude dropped for a moment as she thought about the things they had fought.

       "Those weren't normal foes. My swing was a great swing, but it passed through them and barely hurt them! But your magic was amazing Ara'Sei, it killed one of them instantly!" Ella explained. Her joyous attitude returned just as quickly as it had gone.

       "I saw that same phenomenon." Eris agreed. They seemed to be more interested in twirling their dagger than participating in the conversation.

"Eris, you haven't been talking much. What did you think of what we fought just now?" Ara' Sei asked. Eris paused.

       "I don't like it." They replied tersely.

       "I don't like it either, at least my magic can hold those things at bay. But are there going to be more of them?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "We don't know enough, we should wait." Eris answered. Eris's face had a masculine strength and structure to it. However, their voice was soft, and almost maternal.

       "I agree with Eris, we must wait." Cedric added. Cedric's hood was now down. His short brown hair was the color of dark oak bark. His skin was pale, and occasionally marked by freckles. His eyes were a deep leaf green that were vibrant even in the dimness of the beachside tavern.

       Then, the door of the tavern creaked open, and three armored figures stepped through.

       "We need to talk."

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