Chapter 125

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       Ara' Sei ran to Roya's side and she put her hands on them. Ara' Sei whispered to herself, and Roya's body began to shine with pale light. Roya's eyes opened and they looked around in a rush.

       "Thank you." They whispered to Ara' Sei.

       Zerai brought his blade up into one of his assailants, cutting them across the torso. Then, he thrust his blade forward into his opponents chest and kicked the man's corpse off his blade before facing another.

       Cedric looked around, desperately trying to find Aaron. After being unable to see him, Cedric instead turned towards Eris, who was fighting several people around them. Cedric raised his hands to the sky, and from a glowing emerald point dark storm clouds formed above the battlefield. The clouds crackled with electricity before striking one of the warriors near Eris. Both of the warriors faltered, and they shook, both of them barely having made it through the strike.

       "Cedric! That was close!" Eris shouted.

       "Sorry, I knew you could dodge it though!" Cedric shouted back. Eris smiled and faced their two foes with renewed confidence as they both started stumbling away.

       Ella became a whirlwind of arcs and slashes as her greatsword was repeatedly brought down with incredible force. Two of her opponents lay dead, and she was covered with blood.

       "Well! This is a fight, yeah?!" She shouted. Her foes began stepping back.

Roya got up from the ground and put their hand on Ara' Sei. Ara' Sei glowed with a sunlight glow, and her burns began to heal.

       "Your magic is too powerful to be wasted on me. Fight, I'll back you up." Roya said. Ara' Sei nodded.

       The two warriors fighting Ella began to back away before running away as fast as they could. The two warriors fighting Zerai stood their ground. Both of them pushed forward, but to little success, as Zerai was able to parry both of their strikes.

       One of the clerics raised his hand towards Ella, but she sidestepped it. The other tried the same thing on Ella, but she countered it in the same way.

       "Really!?" Ella taunted.

       One of Zerai's opponents wielded a dagger, and that warrior charged forwards, plunging her dagger into Zerai's shoulder.

       The two warriors next to Eris began to back away fearfully.

       Suddenly, another bead of light rushed across the battlefield. This time, Roya and Cedric were able to see it in time to dive out of the way. But Ara' Sei was once again hit by the full blast.

       Cedric lost focus on the storm cloud, and it faded as a result. Roya was still conscious this time. Ara' Sei was still doing somewhat okay.

       "I'm fine!" Ara' Sei shouted. But, she was in severe pain, as burns covered her arms and neck.

       Eris flung their dagger into one of the warriors that had turned back to run away. The man was struck to the ground by a dagger to the back.

       Aaron's voice once again rose to consume the battlefield.

       "This isn't over, friends. I'll be back, and I'll be more ready." Aaron said. The two Atheiran clerics began to run, and so did the rest of the various warriors. Left behind was a battlefield littered with various corpses.

       The group regathered themselves. Ara' Sei magically cleaned Ella. Cedric cast a spell allowing the group to sneak back. It wasn't hard, as the whole city had descended into a state of worry, panic, and pandemonium. The windows of some buildings had been shattered, and vandalism covered the walls of various areas.

       The group snuck back into the Cathedral of Solan, which had been evacuated by the guards of the cathedral.

       Later that night, the whole city heard one last message, and the group fearfully realized what awaited them.

       "Atheira declares war on the local faith of Solan. The high cleric, Roya Solana, is a fraud who is harboring criminals. As before, Atheira demands that you surrender to the rule of Aaron Servilus, rightful mage-king of Oarshear."

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