Chapter 57

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       The next morning proved to be even colder. Cedric knew that he would have to prepare his magic for the cold now. It was now difficult to be out on the deck for more than an hour at a time, but the crew had no choice. Cedric and Ara' Sei attempted to keep Ella and Eris warm as they both manned the sails and the steering wheel. Zerai stayed in the heat of Cedric's flame.

       As the hours went by, the group would see chunks of ice floating in the water every now and then. They were small, about the size of a small canoe. But, they were a sign of the waters that they would all soon have to face.

       "Well, that's no good sign." Ella said.

       "Definitely not, we're not even halfway between Erathir and Point Frost." Eris said matter-of-factly.

       "What!? Well, I can face cold, but I'm not sure if that goes for everyone." Ella said, concern creeping into her voice.

       "Cedric, do you have the spell that lets you make the cold more bearable?" Zerai asked.

       "Yes, but it only lasts for an hour and I can only put it on one person at a time, let me be honest, we aren't ready for these waters." Cedric said with dread.

       "Look, I know it may be difficult to trust me, but my visions have guided me to this point, I know this is the right path, regardless of how difficult it may be." Ara' Sei reassured Cedric.

       "I'll be honest Ara' Sei, I'm inclined to disagree." Eris said.

       "Inclined to disagree with what?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Your interpretation of the vision. You have no idea if it told you to go straight to Point Frost or if you had the time to prepare beforehand. Also, if your vision is wrong, we're all going to pay the price. In this instance, that's death." Eris answered.

       "Look Eris. You have had every chance to back down, you didn't take it. No one was stopping you." Ara' Sei said.

       "You don't exactly give me enough time to change my mind, Ara' Sei." Eris responded.

       "Eris! By now you should know you have to be decisive about such things!" Ara' Sei shouted.

       "By now, you should know not to be brash." Eris responded.

       "Excuse me!" Ara' Sei screamed at Eris. Everyone else looked at Ara' Sei with eyes wide, silently glancing at each other as if someone else knew what to do.

       "What? Am I crazy all of a sudden? No disagreements before now but suddenly I've been doing something wrong?!"

       "Alright Ara' Sei, you need to calm down. We've gotten through trouble before, we'll get through this one as well!" Ella said, attempting to comfort her.

       "That's because we were all on board. But now all of a sudden I've been doing this all wrong! Only now my visions are fake!? And what do you mean I need to calm down?! All of you are just now voicing your questions when we are hundreds of miles away from land in the middle of a polar sea!" Ara' Sei was screaming hysterically.

       "Look, Ara' Sei, I'm sorry, I was just asking a question but I'm sorry that it got taken the wrong wa-" Eris began.

       "So again it's my fault! It's my fault for not correctly interpreting the visions I have had far longer than any of you have! It's my fault for taking your words the wrong way! What?! Am I the idiot all of a sudden?!" Ara' Sei screamed, tears now streaming from her eyes. Then, she vanished below decks, leaving everyone else on the deck, wondering where they had all gone wrong. 

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