Chapter 80

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       Eris had no idea what they could do. In order to hit the demon, they would have to throw their last remaining dagger, for the other one was stuck in the demon. Even if they could hit it, it would hardly do a thing, seeing as the demon was a constantly moving, flying target.

       Ella witnessed what was about to befall Ara' Sei and ran to the rescue. She ran to Ara' Sei's side before picking her up and running away from the demon.

       "Fight me coward! Don't try to squash my friends!" Ella shouted up at the demon. Cedric raised his hand and muttered an incantation. A green light illuminated the demon's shoulder. Around the green light, the demon's flesh began to blacken and wither.

       Zerai ran over to where his friends were gathered.

       "Alright. Ella! Eris! I have a spell that can make you two fly. I'm not sure if you'll be able to fly as well as that thing, but it'll be better than what you have now." Zerai put his hand on Eris and Ella's shoulders and muttered under his breath. The two were illuminated by a golden glow of light.

       "I'll take care of Ara' Sei." Zerai said. Ella put Ara' Sei on the ground, and Ara' Sei glowed with golden light as her wounds began to heal.

       The demon narrowed its eyes at Zerai and flew towards and above him. Then, the whip lashed out towards him. But, Zerai was quick to act, and dug his sword into the ice before the demon could pull him to it. The demon growled angrily, and decided to fly towards Ella and slash at her with its blade of lightning.

       Eris didn't hesitate to act. With the rush that Zerai had granted them, they flew to the other side of the demon while it was preoccupied with Ella. Then, with their dagger in hand, they flew into the creature's back. The dagger plunged into the creature's back, bathing Eris in boiling hot blood. Then, they flew back with their incredible speed.

       Ella surged towards the demon with her greatsword. Using the momentum of her flight, she  plunged the blade several inches into the demon. But, the demon pulled away before she could attack once more. Ella steeled herself against the burning pain of the creature's blood splashed onto her. Then, she backed away from the demon's burning heat.

       Cedric regathered himself and focused, another emerald light appeared, this time near the demon's chest. More of the demon's flesh began to turn to dust from proximity to the light, but the demon seemed to be shrugging it off rather easily.

       Zerai stepped towards the demon, holding his blade near himself and muttering a prayer. Around the creature's wing, golden flames burst, scorching the demon.

       Finally, the demon was beginning to show signs of wear and tear. It looked towards Zerai, knowing that he was the source of the spell. The whip lashed forward towards Zerai, wrapping around him and pulling him towards the demon with great speed. Between the burning pain of the whip, the speed at which it had hit him, and being pulled at incredible speed, Zerai wasn't able to keep his hold on the flight spell affecting Eris and Ella. Thus, the two fell to the ground.

       Ella fell on her side while Eris was able to stick the landing from the fall. Zerai began cursing under his breath but was interrupted when the lightning blade hit him, slamming him into a thirty foot fall. Before he even hit the ground, everything had gone black.

       Eris looked around, beginning to panic. Then, they looked to Cedric.

       "We need Zerai, do you have something to help?!" Eris asked. Cedric nodded.

       "Eris, if I hit it with this, throw your dagger, trust me!" Ara' Sei said. Eris prepared to jump and hurl their dagger at the demon above.

       Ara' Sei let the beacon build within her finger, letting the light flow to her finger. She tried her best not to think about the dire situation that surrounded them.

       "Just do this, for now." She said to herself. Then, she fired the beacon at the demon. The beacon slammed into the demon's last remaining eye, blinding it.

       "Now! Ara' Sei shouted. Eris ran forward, leapt up, and used the momentum to throw their dagger at the demon's neck. As the dagger lodged itself in the demon's neck, its body began to glow. Then, the whole world went white and hot, as Zerai, Eris, and Ella were engulfed by an explosion

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