Chapter 165

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       Cedric was up early the next morning, prepared to transport the group across the world once again. As usual, he provided the group with breakfast of magical berries with water.

       "You can transport us today, right?" Eris asked.

       "I can do it multiple times. First, I think I should say goodbye to Varhine, and let her know that the danger has been taken care of." Cedric explained.

       Barely an hour after sunrise, Cedric stepped up to one of the trees. He placed his hand on it, and muttered an incantation. Then, an emerald doorway appeared, and he opened it before ushering the group through.

       Upon passing through the door, the group found themselves back in Sanctuary Grove. Cedric went to deliver the news of his success.

       "It was a dragon?!" Varhine shouted. Cedric nodded.

       "Hmmm, strange. I've heard that they like to be up in the mountains of the world, but I've never heard of them being in forests." Varhine said.

       "Well, we took care of it, trust me." Cedric said.

       "Don't worry Cedric, I do. Goodbye now." Varhine said with a smile before walking away.

       Cedric stepped up to another tree and placed his hand on it. After muttering the incantation, another doorway appeared in the tree. Everyone in the group stepped through the open door in the tree.

       On the other wide was a small grove surrounded by plains. The faint sound of ocean waves could be heard in the distance. The group was once again back in Cresselbrooke.

       Ella helped point the group in a Southeastern direction by using the sun as a guide. The first day of travel was the group walking across endless, green plains. As they walked further and further from Cresselbrooke, they came across less and less farmland.

       Not unlike the trip from Cresselbrooke, the horizon was dominated by a sea of knee to waist high grass.

       As the week slowly passed by, the temperature gradually rose as the days went on. The surroundings were just as lush, but the temperature rose. On the eighth day of travel, massive mountains came into view.

       "Oh, we're finally at the Southern Walls, the biggest mountains in the world!" Ella said enthusiastically.

       The mountains ahead stretched for miles into the sky, the upper half of them was covered in white snow, a sight the group hadn't seen since they had travelled to the mine back in the Northern Mountains.

       Suddenly, the group saw figures approaching them in the distance. All of them were running, and they were running directly towards the group.

       "Who are they?" Zerai asked. Cedric focused his eyes on the figures. In their arms they held objects that carried the glint of metal.

       "I think they're armed!" Cedric said.

       "Wait. That means they're bandits! I've heard that directly North of the Southern Walls is full of bandits." Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh, well, we can take them." Ella said with a smile.

       "Alternatively, I could scare them off with magic." Eris said.

       "I'd say that's preferable." Ara' Sei said.

       Eris took their hand and drew a glowing, purple glyph into the. The glyph vanished in a small puff of smoke. Then, a massive image unfurled about thirty feet above the party. Flames danced high above them of all different colors and hues, roaring loudly.

       "Whoa! What's that?" Ella asked.

       "An illusion." Eris answered. The figures came to a rapid halt before running in the opposite direction.

       "Okay, it worked." Ara' Sei said with a smile.

        It wasn't much, but it was the most eventful thing that had happened in the past week. That night, the group settled into a restful night within the endless, green fields. 

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