Chapter 177

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       Ella was thinking about what she was going to do that day while polishing her sword.

       "I wonder, why would anyone need a date or whatever? Seriously, just get a sword, it's pretty, solves all your problems, and will always be with you." Ella said to her blade. The dark metal shone and the glyphs upon the blade were clearly visible.

       After polishing her blade to almost mirror like perfection, she put her sword under her bed and left.

       Ella explored the city on her own. She went through all the different, charming neighborhoods of the city, but after about an hour, something caught her eye.

       The sun was just barely beginning to set, and the sky was just getting dimmer. But, down the street, Ella could clearly read a sign in dwarvish script.

       "Oh, dwarves have the best liquor, I should treat myself to some of that." Ella said to herself. She walked down the street and entered the tavern.

       The tavern itself encompassed three stories. Flights of stairs lead to two floors above. In the middle was a massive open space, and Ella could see directly to the ceiling high above.

       Every sign and label within the tavern was in dwarvish, and most of the patrons were dwarves, Ella stood out within the tavern.

       "Ay, whaddya want?" The question was asked in a harsh, deep tongue with hard syllables and consonants.

       "Tell me what you've got!" Ella replied in the same tongue, the man behind the bar seemed impressed. He was about four and a half feet tall, two feet below Ella's height. He had long, black hair, and a straight beard at least six inches long. He had large, bushy eyebrows, but a pleased expression.

       "How hammered you lookin' to be?" The dwarven man asked. She took a seat at the rather small bar and thought for a moment.

       "It's barely evening yet, something really light. I may speak 'yer tongue, but I ain't built like you." Ella said. The dwarven man nodded in return.

       "Yeah, this place'll be real fun later. I see you got some strong arms. We're having an arm wrestling competition on the third level in about two hours. Should be fun for ya. For now I'll get you some light beer." The dwarven man said.

       Ella sat on the edge of the bar and waited. Gradually, dwarves continued to pack in as the evening progressed. Soon, the tavern was brimming with people. Many of them gave Ella strange stares and whispered to another. But, she had grown up surrounded by it, so it didn't bother her much.

       Then, the dwarven barman got up on the edge of the bar and clapped his hands together.

       "Alright, we're gonna compete all the way up in about a half hour. Tonight, we got Borshkir Hearthmead, our current reigning champion tonight, so get ready!" He shouted in dwarvish. Everyone including Ella cheered, and she finally moved from her table. She stood over two feet higher than almost everyone else that was there.

       "Alright, things are looking up, get me some good stuff!" Ella said. The man at the bar nodded and poured her a massive pint of foaming ale. The moment she drank it, its strength hit her, and she smiled. Within ten minutes, she had downed the whole thing. The man behind the bar looked at her, impressed.

       After twenty more minutes passed, everyone went two floors up. Two chairs had been set next to a table. In one chair was seated a short haired dwarven man with a braided beard. He had a wide smile on his face, and one of his hands rested on a massive, dwarven made battleaxe.

       He dominated almost every single opponent that stepped up to him. He had massive biceps that were covered with intricate tattoos and designs. After every victory, the crowd cheered. There was a pause where no one stepped up, and Ella took her opportunity, and sat down in the other chair.

       The whole crowd drew silent, and the Borshkir extended his hand out.

       "Nice to meet you." He said with a smile, everyone watched silently.

       "Let's spice this up, huh?!" Ella said, putting fifty gold onto the table, the man matched her gesture. Whispers went through the crowd.

       "How 'bout this, I put fifty more gold up and you don't have to match it, but, if you lose, you're comin' home with me tonight!" He said. Snickers and laughter went through the crowd, a collective "ooh" at what he was proposing.

       Ella pondered for a moment, glancing at the man's muscles.

       "Deal!" She shouted. The man slammed a sack of gold onto the table.

       "Alright, get ready everyone, this one's about to be interesting!" The bartender shouted, everyone cheered in agreement. The two contenders locked hands.

       "Get ready, start!" The bartender shouted. Both of the contender's muscles bulged as they fought against one another. Ella had an idea. She let her grasp just barely go weaker, and her hand began to tilt towards the table. Sweat was beading on Borskir's forehead, but he was smiling confidently as her hand approached the table.

       Then, with a shout, Ella fought back, and suddenly, he was on the defensive. She relieved her attack just barely, letting hope trickle back into his expression.

       Suddenly, Borshkir's hand was slammed into the table. Cheering and shouts erupted through the bar. Borskir's face was drenched in sweat. Ella brushed a few drops of her brow and looked at her hands.

       "Not bad." She said, taking his gold.

       "I'm a little drunk to do math, but I think this is enough for drinks all around!" Ella shouted in dwarvish, raising the bag of gold. Everyone cheered, and Borshkir's expression went back to a smile.

       Everyone in the tavern enjoyed a rowdy, interesting night, and Ella left the tavern content with her earnings. 

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