Chapter 21

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       Ara' Sei was on her way to the docks to find a ship that would take all four of them to Duskholme. She looked around, and was able to find a small building next to the docks labelled Dockmaster. Upon investigating, she discovered that there was a line to speak to the dockmaster that led almost to the front door. After waiting for around half an hour, she was finally able to speak to the dockmaster.

       "Hello dockmaster, I have come to ask when the next ship bound for Darkholme will depart." Ara' Sei said.

       "Well the next ship bound for Duskholme is leaving early tomorrow morning." The dockmaster said.

       "Do you think that my three companions and I could go aboard to Duskholme?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "If you can pay for it, yes." The dockmaster responded. The dockmaster was a woman half of Ara' Sei's height who had dark stubble and short brown hair. She looked perpetually cranky, so Ara' Sei was doing her best to be polite.

       "Do you know how much money you need to pay for four people's passage?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Go ask the captain of the Sky Chaser! That's the ship that's leaving now quit bothering me!" The dockmaster shouted.

       "Very well, I was going to give you a silver for your troubles but now I change my mind." Ara' Sei lied. The dockmaster sighed in a grumpy tone in response. Ara' Sei left the building and searched for the Sky Chaser. After about twenty minutes, she found the Sky Chaser. It was a small, narrow vessel that appeared to be built light and for speed.

       After asking around, Ara' Sei was able to find the captain of the Sky Chaser, who was an older human man in his forties. Upon asking him, she discovered she would have to pay ten gold to afford the trip to Duskholme. She also learned that the trip would be between four to six days, depending on conditions. Food would be provided, and safe trade lanes would be used. Ara' Sei thanked the captain before returning to the Devil's Treasure Inn.

       Once she was back at the inn, she looked through the glass window of her and Ella's room. She could see a faint reflection of the rest of the room. But, suddenly, the reflection seemed to morph. She saw her own face turned into the face of another person. Ara' Sei gasped. In the glass, she saw a man with brown skin, dark brown hair, and dazzling eyes. He wore a soft smile on his youthful face.

       "Find him." A voice in her head commanded. She had heard the voices of the divine before, but it was rare. Why was this so urgent, so sudden. She had heard whispers to travel Northwest to Cresselbrooke. And strange, dark omens had haunted her dreams. Her hands began to shake. She was dreading what she would have to face. What was in Duskholme? Well, clearly it had to be this man, but what else? Then, she remembered the words the divine had shared to her in her dreams.

       "Do not search for meaning, let it find you." Ara' Sei whispered, trying desperately to comfort herself. She wasn't sure if any others could understand. She had a purpose, but she knew she could fail. During the fight against the zombies and shadows she had failed, and one of her friends almost didn't make it out.

       "My power is growing. Soon, I'll have the power to make sure that never, ever happens again."  

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