Chapter 81

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       After a few seconds, the heat faded. The wave of heat caused Ara' Sei to succumb to a wave of nausea, and her breakfast of berries and water spilled onto the ice. Cedric had to blink several times to see normally again. He gasped in horror once he saw the three scorched bodies of his friends spread across the ice.

       "Hurry!" Ara' Sei shouted weakly. Cedric placed his hand together, and an emerald light appeared between the three bodies. As he pulled his hands apart, an emerald glow encompassed all three of the bodies, and vitality rushed to his three friends, barely alive on the ice.

       The three slowly got up one by one. Eris awoke in Cedric's arms.

       "It's okay now." He whispered to them. Eris smiled back. Slowly, everyone recovered from the battle. Cedric confirmed that the portal was no longer there.

       "We should stay for a few days to make sure that portal doesn't come back." Cedric said.

       "We should also take that time to figure out why demons are attacking this place." Zerai pointed out.

       "Not to mention, how is there a portal? And why did the man from Duskholme come back?" Eris added.

       "For now, let's rest, and we clear the town to see if there are any more demons." Ara' Sei finished.

       After resting for an hour, the group was back on their feet. After killing a few smaller demons that were still left and doing a full sweep of the town and island, the group felt safe. Cedric was able to use his magic to confirm that there were no demons or presences from another plane left on the whole island. After which, the group decided to go to the location of the last survivors.

       "Hello, it's us again, there are no more demons on this island. And it appears that there are no more coming." Ara' Sei said.

"But... that's a miracle! How could you have done that?!" Someone asked from inside.

       "We were sent here to help." Ara' Sei responded. There was a series of whisper's from inside, followed by a series of locks unlocking. The reinforced door swung upon, causing the obviously old hinges to squeal. Behind the door were three people, who had clearly been starving. Each was covered in dirt and grime, and they had brooms, rakes, and buckets at the ready as weapons.

       "We mean no harm." Ara' Sei said. One of them nodded before going back into the building. Cedric took out his branch, and with an incantation, berries grew from it. He offered one to each of the survivors.

       "How many of you are there?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Only sixteen of us survived." One said, his eyes red and watery.

       "I'm so sorry for your loss." Ara' Sei said, comforting him. The man who had gone back in brought back a group of dirty, starving townsfolk. With his magic, Cedric was able to provide each of them with food and water.

       The group stayed in Point Frost for another week, helping the survivors to make sure that no more demons arrived, and to help them begin to clear the largely destroyed town.

       The group felt stronger once again. They felt stronger, more ready, and more prepared for what was to come.

Author's Note: Here the party levels up from level 10 to level 11. 

Converging Destinies: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now