Chapter 86

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       As the two re-entered the tavern, Cedric became increasingly nervous beneath Eris' hood. The tavern was certainly full of shady characters before, but now there were even more of them.

       "Oh you there, you're the one who wanted that strong ale!" The bartender called out. Eris nodded in response. The bartender pointed to a door that was located beside and farther back than the bar.

       "Go in there, second door on the right." The bartender said with a wink.

       "Thank you." Eris said. Then, they opened the door. The door led to a dim hallway, and there were four doors on each side. Following the bartender's instructions, Eris cautiously entered the second door on the right. The door creaked open, leading to a simple chamber with a few chairs spread about within. In one of the chairs sat a rich looking half-elven man. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore golden rings on several of his fingers. He wore a chestplate with a symbol upon it.

       "Hello." Eris said.

       "Hello, please have a seat, I was informed you could cater to my needs." The man said.

       "And what needs would those be?" Eris asked.

       "There's someone I need gone, for good." The man answered tersely. Eris sat down in one of the chairs.

       "Alright Cedric, here you can be yourself." Eris said, scooping Cedric from their hood and setting him on one of the other remaining chairs in the room. With a flash of emerald light, Cedric transformed back into his normal form.

       "Ah, I see you have magical capabilities." The man said.

       "We do. So, who do you need gone for good?" Eris asked.

       "I'll give you the most basic details now, but I want to meet you two again tomorrow to see if you have additional questions or concerns." The man explained. Eris nodded.

       "Very well."

       "There's a man who has been... causing problems. He's part of some cult, and this city protects all religious institutions which technically includes cults. Thing is, some of my allies are involved with the various churches to the different gods, and they say this cult in particular is troublesome. This man is someone we've identified thus far to be a part of the cult. I need to stop this cult, but they are legally protected, so now I am in need of your help." The man explained.

       "Alright. Are you willing to help me with this?" Eris asked Cedric. He nodded in response.

       "Great! It's good to know I have two qualified people on this job. Now, there are a few details that I can provide now. This cult meets every new moon somewhere in the Olkash district." The man said, handing Eris a map of the city.

       "What does this man look like?" Eris asked.

       "He has blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin. Human. He's probably in his mid thirties by now. Do you need any other details?" The man asked.

       "There are details I can find on my own when we do this. I assume the best time would be at night under the new moon when it will be particularly dark." Cedric said.

       "Correct." The man confirmed.

       "How much will you pay us for this?" Eris asked.

       "If you can do it and slip away unseen, five hundred gold. If someone catches you while you're doing it, three hundred. Don't let the guards catch you." The man said.

       "Alright, we'll continue this discussion tomorrow. Thank you." Eris said. Cedric transformed back into a squirrel, and the two exited the tavern. Then, they made their way back to the inn and went to sleep. 

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