Chapter 25

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       The pirates bore down upon the other crewmates of the Sky Chaser. One of the crewmates was then cut in half. The other remaining crewmate was also cut down. Now, only the four travelers remained to fight off the pirates. One pirate charged at Ella and was able to land a glancing cut into her side.

       Ara' Sei's body once again flashed with light, causing both of the pirates to reel back, unable to see their target.

       Eris took out their other magical dagger and charged at one of Ara' Sei's assailants. They quickly slashed one of the pirate's throats, and the pirate's body fell to the deck and quickly bled out.

       Ella charged at Ara' Sei's second opponent. With a single wide slash of her greatsword, the pirate was cut down.

       Ara' Sei looked over at the six remaining pirates. She pointed at one, and let the light build within her. Then, she let it flow to her arm, pointing it at her target. The beacon built in power, then flew from Ara' Sei's hand. The beacon embedded itself in the chest of its target. The pirate screamed and then fell to the deck, a giant hole burned in their chest. The blade of light was too far away from any of the other pirates to find a target.

       Cedric muttered an incantation. The cloud above crackled, and another lightning bolt struck down, instantly killing another pirate.

       The pirates looked around frantically. Only four of them remained. The numbers were even, and the pirates knew they were outmatched.

       "Run!!" One of the pirates shouted. All four of the pirates ran. Two of them were able to make it to the plank between the two ships. The others were almost there.

       However, none of the pirates were more swift than Eris. Eris ran at one of the pirates and thrust their blade between the pirates shoulder blades, letting the pirate's corpse fall to the deck.

       Ella charged at the other, bringing her blade upwards. The pirate's corpse was flung overboard by the sheer force behind the sword. Ella's age had not yet weakened her or slowed her down.

       The remaining pirates lowered the planks and frantically sailed away. Ara' Sei was able to heal one of the crewmates of the Sky Chaser from the brink of death, but the others were long gone. The group dumped the bodies of the dead pirates overboard. The rest of the day was spent mopping blood off the deck. Since there was no way to bury the bodies of the crewmates. Their bodies had to be dumped as well. But the other crew members of the Sky Chaser held a funeral for them.

       One of the crewmates was a woman with a young daughter at home in Aaronsworth. The other was a young man who was saving money for a wedding. Ara' Sei muttered both of their names to herself while she was alone. She remembered the words of the divine.

       "Know the lives of those you failed to save, and strive to not let it happen again." Ara' Sei whispered to herself.

       After another two days had passed. The Sky Chaser arrived in Duskholme. Duskholme was around the same size as Aaronsworth. But to Ara' Sei it was far more significant. She had been led here by visions, and it was finally time to see why.

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