Chapter 82

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       The party said goodbye to the survivors of the demon incursion of Point Frost. Then, they left to travel back across the frozen sea. On the first night, Cedric once again prepared an orb of ice for the group to take shelter within.

       "Is there any way for us to know anything about why there were demons in Point Frost?" Zerai asked.

       "I don't think so." Eris answered.

       "Anything could be helpful." Zerai said. Suddenly, it hit Cedric. This whole time, he'd been in possession of something.

       "Well, I might have something." Cedric said, beginning to dig through his bag.

       "Do you all remember that man we fought in Cresselbrooke?" Cedric asked.

       "Goodness! That was over two months ago!" Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh, that was before I met you all." Zerai said.

       "Well, the man we fought in Cresselbrooke had some books in his hut. I took some of them, but I don't know what they say. He was a necromancer, so they're probably filled with evil things, and uh, demons are evil things. Maybe they're related?" Cedric said. After a bit more searching, he found four books. All of them were written in the same, jagged tongue.

       "I can read them." Zerai declared.

       "Really?" Cedric asked.

       "When I was reincarnated, I was blessed with magical power. The nature of some of my power manifests in gifts. One of those gifts is being able to read any language." Zerai explained.

       "That's right! When Eris and I first found you, you were talking to some animals in the woods!"

       "Wait, you watched me do that?!" Zerai asked.

       "Well, yeah. Then we tracked you to your home and told Ara' Sei where you lived."

       "It sounds a lot more creepy when you put it like that, Cedric." Eris said with a laugh.

       "Anyways, these books seem pretty bulky. It's going to take me some time to read through them." Zerai said.

       "It's okay, take your time! I've been waiting a while to get them translated by someone who could read them." Cedric replied.

       The group slept for that night, and for the next week they slowly travelled back over the ice. On a few of the days, they were stopped by a blizzard that had blown through, and had to stop for a while. But, eventually, they made it to the edge of the sea of ice.

       It was strange to see the ocean again. The ocean itself was full of massive, jagged icebergs that linked together like jigsaw puzzles.

       Ara' Sei looked over the sea with a smile. For the first time in a while, she wasn't having any visions. Nothing was telling her where to go or what to do next. It was a strange feeling, and she felt adrift. But now she could make a choice. There wasn't some goal to pursue or person to find or incursion to stop. She breathed in the cold, crisp air, and for once her mind was clear. She loved the feeling, treasured it, and did her best to remember it. For she knew that it wouldn't be there forever. 

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