Chapter 126

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       The group met with Roya in the room that lay deep below the cathedral. Ara' Sei and Roya were using magical lights to illuminate the room.

       "Well, what are we going to do?" Cedric asked.

       "I will have to act quickly. It's not safe here anymore." Roya said.

       "But, where else do we go? We have to stop him." Ara' Sei said.

       "I'm... not sure where else we can go." Eris said.

       "Are you sure there isn't another safe haven?" Zerai asked.

       "Trust me, that man knows almost as much about the criminal underground of this city as I do. At this point, he could find me, regardless of where I go." Eris said.

       "So, what do you all think we're going to do tomorrow?" Ella asked.

       "He knows we're here. He has the resources for combat. I have no doubt in my mind that he will launch an attack on this cathedral tomorrow morning with everything he has." Roya explained.

       "I'll prepare my magic for combat tomorrow, today, I wasn't as well prepared as I could have been." Cedric said.

       "I'll stay with you all tonight. I'll also be preparing my magic for battle tomorrow." Roya said.

       "Are we sure there's nothing else we can do?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "We aren't going to be able to escape the city. We just have to fight, and we had better fight for our lives tomorrow." Eris explained. A sense of dread fell over the group, and they prepared to rest before the coming battle.

       Then, Cedric pulled Eris aside to a corner of the room away from where the others were sleeping.

       "So, we have a big battle tomorrow." Cedric whispered. Eris nodded.

       "Yeah, we do." They replied.

       "Do you... think we'll be okay?" Cedric asked. Eris hesitated for a moment.

       "Maybe, we just have to be ready." Eris replied.

       "Well, in case things go wrong, I want you to know... I love you." Cedric said, his eyes beginning to water. Eris brushed Cedric's tear away.

       "I love you too, Cedric. Don't worry, all of us will be okay." Eris said. Cedric wrapped his arms around Eris and brought them in. Eris wrapped their arms around Cedric in return and kissed him on the cheek.

       "Don't worry, it's going to be alright, I promise." Eris said.

       "Okay, okay." Cedric whispered frantically. The two sat against the wall, wrapped in each others' cloaks. And slowly but surely, both of them found rest for the coming battle.

       The next day, the group all woke up. Roya was able to provide them food, and they made sure the rest of the clergy had evacuated the cathedral before the sun even rose. Cedric meditated with a deep sense of nervousness. Roya muttered below the massive statue of Solan, praying before the coming battle came. Within half an hour, the group emerged into the main chamber of the cathedral, armed and ready.

       Ella had her blade sharpened and prepped. Eris found a secluded place in the massive chamber to hide. Ara' Sei, Cedric, and Roya all stuck together. Zerai prepped his shining blade. Together, him and Ella stood in front of the three as guards. Ten cathedral guards had also assembled, each wielding a halberd bearing the sun insignia of Solan.

       Whatever battle Aaron would bring, they were as ready as they could be for it. 

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