Chapter 196

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       Ella stood at the ready with her blade, ready to charge the dragon the moment it landed.

       Eris carved a crackling blue glyph into the air and held it at the ready.

       Zerai sprouted spectral wings from his back and summoned his magical blade, its purple runes glowing.

       Brie ran away from the rest of the group and carved a pulsing red glyph into the air.

       Cedric took out his wand and pointed it at the dragon.

       Then, the dragon came down upon them. From its mouth, purple and black flames erupted across a massive area, encompassing Ella, Zerai, and Eris. The flames blasted them for a few moments as the dragon flew over.

       When the flames faded, Zerai was on his knees, and Ella was shaking. A lot of their flesh had been withered. Eris was off to the side, but they were far less harmed than Ella and Zerai.

       "Zerai!" Ara' Sei shouted. She ran forward and extended her hand outwards. Zerai's body glowed with pale light. His wounds didn't mend, but it was obvious Ara' Sei had used some form of magic on him.

       Several explosions fired off towards the dragon, but none of them had any effect.

       Ella steeled herself and stayed put, her sword still raised at the ready.

       Eris fired their bolt of lightning at the dragon. However, it barely skimmed the dragon. Beyond that, they stayed put, unsure of what else they could do.

       Zerai took a deep breath and pointed his blade at the dragon. However, the dragon easily resisted the golden chains that attempted to wrap around it.

       Brie carved the small, pale blue glyph into the air and fired a ray of whitish blue light. Ice crystals exploded outwards among a small portion of the dragon's stomach. Then, she moved away from the dragon.

       Cedric stowed his wand away upon realizing it was useless. Instead, he brought his hands together, and a small storm cloud formed above the battlefield. A bolt of lightning from above struck towards the dragon. However, it barely struck the dragon's tail.

       The dragon turned back around towards its three initial targets, and its throat glowed with purple light again. Dark, shadowy flames engulfed Ara' Sei, Ella, Eris, and Zerai. Cedric and Brie watched as all of their friends were engulfed within the flames.

       When the flames faded, Ella was a burnt body on the ground. Her flash bad blackened and withered. Zerai was on the brink of consciousness. Eris had completely evaded the massive sprawl of flames. Ara' Sei was strangely unharmed, but she was breathing heavily. Her eyes widened as she saw a strange, shadowy creature, rise from Ella's body.

       The strange, shadowy creature charged towards Zerai. It extended its dark arm towards Zerai. Zerai fell to the ground as the creature touched him, his eyes rolling back.

       Ara' Sei's eyes darted between her two friends. Zerai was on the ground barely alive. Ella was also on the ground, her body half withered away. It was clear she didn't survive whatever happened. Tears began welling in Ara' Sei's eyes, and she pulled out the diamond that she had gotten in Point Nordis.

       The diamond glowed, and it turned into pale dust that drifted away into the wind. Ella's body began to shine brightly, and as the light faded, her eyes fluttered open. Her body just barely reformed enough to function. The shadowy creature vanished. Ella stood up.

       "What... happened?" Ella asked.

       "Just get away from that dragon, I've only got one more!" Ara' Sei screamed. Ella's eyes widened as it hit her what happened. She nodded, picked up her blade, and backed away from the dragon as quickly as she could.

       Eris carved another crackling bolt of lightning towards the dragon. The bolt hit the dragon's leg, and didn't seem to have much of an effect.

       Brie carved the same glyph again, her hands shaking. Yet another ray of pale blue light fired towards the dragon. But, the ray reflected off the dragon's thick scales.

       Cedric looked around at the battlefield around him. Zerai was barely alive. Ella had just died. He looked back towards the dragon. He took a deep breath, and barely quelled the doubts rising within his mind.

       "This is not goodbye, we will live through this battle." Cedric whispered.

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