Chapter 146

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       The next morning, the group woke up mere minutes before sunrise. The whole group was able to watch the sunrise over the ocean.

       Cedric took almost an hour to meditate that morning. Then, he provided the group breakfast and met the group in front of the lonely tree.

       "So, where in the Northern Woods do you want me to teleport all of you?" Cedric asked.

       "Wherever you know it's safe." Eris replied.

       "Okay, in that case, I'll take you to the Sanctuary Grove." Cedric said. Then, he placed his hand on the tree as the group gathered around. As he whispered under his breath, an emerald doorway appeared upon the tree. As the doorway opened, the group ran through. Cedric went last, and closed the door behind him.

       The group emerged in a grove of trees with yellow and orange leaves, a clear sign of the fall. The first thing that hit the group was the sudden drop in temperature. The next was the scent of sap, wood, and decaying leaves. The ground was smothered with purple, red, and brown leaves. Some of them crunched underfoot, but most were freshly fallen.

       "Where are we?" Eris asked.

       "In the Sanctuary Grove, more specifically, about a hundred miles Northeast of Erathir." Cedric answered.

       Cedric immediately looked around, and his ears perked up.

       "I know you're all there." Cedric called. For a moment, there was silence.

       "Umm, Cedric, what are you talking about?" Ella asked.

       "They're here, just doing a decent job of hiding." Cedric answered. A few moments passed. The only sound was the wind rustling the trees and leaves.

       Suddenly, a nearby squirrel flashed with emerald light, and when the light faded, they had taken the form of an elderly, human woman. She wore her gray and red hair in a tight bun and she appeared to be in her early sixties.

       "Cedric? Is that you!?" The woman asked.

       "Varhine? It's been a while." Cedric said with a smile.

       "Where did you come from?" Varhine asked. Cedric gestured to the tree behind him.

       "Ah, I see you've picked up some real powerful magic on your travels. Everyone! It's just Cedric! And friends?" Varhine asked.

       "Yes, I met them all on my 'travels', how about you all introduce yourselves." Cedric suggested. One by one, each of his friends introduced themselves to Varhine. After a few moments, more animals emerged from the surroundings and with flashes of emerald light, transformed back into their humanoid forms.

       "Well, look at you, back in Sanctuary Grove! What brings you here with your well armed companions?" Varhine asked.

       "I'm afraid it's the same reason I left." Cedric said. Varhine glanced around at the others that had shown themselves.

       "Come with me. The rest of you, go back to what you were doing, I've got to talk to Cedric!" Varhine shouted. The other people who had shown themselves scattered upon Varhine's request.

       Varhine led the group towards a massive hedge of pine needles and bushes. Varhine waved her hand, and the hedges cleared.

       The group walked into a dome made of entwined bushes and branches. Gaps in the bushes let in green tainted light. In the center was a small elevated table made of stone. The group noticed that the ground here was suddenly hard as stone with the absence of leaves.

       "Alright, Cedric. It's time we talked." Varhine said sternly.

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