Chapter 168

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       Everything here was familiar to Ara' Sei. The houses, the fields, she remembered growing up surrounded by it. She remembered the baker down the street, and she remembered discovering her powers out in the field at night.

       "This is where you grew up?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "So, you're the only one of us that isn't from a city, huh." Ella said.

       "Yeah, I suppose you're right." Ara' Sei replied. Her eyes were locked on one of the tiny houses on the edge of town.

       "If you all don't mind, I'm going to go see a few people I haven't seen for about six months, wait here please." She said. Then, she ran as fast as she could towards the house. When she got to the door she knocked a few times.

       "Hey! It's me, Ara' Sei!" Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh goodness! You're home!" The door swung open and a short woman wearing a robe was on the other side. Her brown hair was tied into a braid that ran down her back. Her face was marked with dimples, and just barely visible wrinkles.

       "Goodness, you look like you haven't been gone a day. Oh gosh I'm going to drag that baker by his hair over to bake some treats, don't you worry!" Ara' Sei's mother said.

       "How's father been doing?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Oh, working, as usual. I bet if you stick around we can surprise him, whaddya say?" Ara' Sei's mother asked.

       "Mother, I should probably let you know, when I was gone, I made a few friends." Ara' Sei said.

       "Oh, I imagine. You can't be on the road alone that long!" Ara' Sei's mom said.

       "Are you okay if I bring them here?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Oh of course of course, I'd love to see who you met." Her mother replied. Ara' Sei turned around and subtly pointed her finger towards her friends. Zerai heard Ara' Sei's voice in his mind.

       "Tell them to come over, my mother wants to meet all of you." Ara' Sei said in Zerai's mind.

       Back with the rest of the group, people had figured out about the new arrivals. Several of the people were gawking at Ella's massive sword that she carried on her back.

       "Oh, Ara' Sei wants us to come over and meet her mother." Zerai said.

       "Oh, alright." Ella said before going following where Ara' Sei had gone. Soon, the whole group was at the door.

       "All of you, come in!" Ara' Sei's mother said.

       "What should we call you?" Ella asked.

       "Oh, my names Lyra, when my husband gets back, you can call him Nathan. What are your names?" Lyra asked. Each of the group members introduced themselves by name.

       The interior of Lyra's home was simple, and consisted of three rooms. There was the main chamber with a dining table and a fire pit. The other two rooms were bedrooms. All of the light came in through windows.

       "So, Ara' Sei, I want to hear what you've been doing in the past six months!" Lyra said. Ara' Sei went visibly paler.

       "Oh mother, I've just been uh, travelling around. I got to see Cresselbrooke, Duskholme, and Oarshear." Ara' Sei lied. Ella hid her face in her hands to keep from giggling.

       "Wow, you've travelled all over Sathun! And even outside a bit! You've been very busy. Where and how did you meet your friends?" Lyra asked.

       "Oh, I met most of them at a tavern in Cresselbrooke, I met Zerai in Duskholme. Then... we visited Oarshear before coming back here." Ara' Sei lied. Ella looked away, and Ara' Sei was terrified that she would burst out laughing.

       "Oh really, how exciting!" Lyra said. She glanced at the firepit and then back to the group.

       "Do any of you need anything to eat?" Lyra asked.

       "Oh no, we're fine, Cedric has a knack for getting us food wherever we go." Ara' Sei said. Cedric glanced at her.

       "Yes, I've been... uh... feeding her alright?" Cedric replied. Ara' Sei's face dropped. Lyra raised an eyebrow.

       "Really, what has she been eating?" Lyra asked. Ara' Sei facepalmed, she knew Cedric wasn't good with people, why was she making him pick up the slack for her lie?

       "Oh, I uh... umm. Berries!" Cedric blurted out. Ella burst out laughing.

       "I need to go outside, this is all hysterical!" Ella shouted before running out of the house.

       "Just berries! No wonder you're so thin Ara' Sei. I'm going to get things from the garden to feed you all!" Lyra said before getting up and also going outside. 

Converging Destinies: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now