Chapter 110

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       A whole week passed of constant travelling across the grassy plains. Soon, the constant sea of grass became painfully repetitive.

       However, after eighteen days of travelling, the group saw the shape of Oarshear in the distance. It wasn't much bigger than Cresselbrooke, but it looked far more busy. Even from a distance, the group could see the far larger buildings and towering cathedrals.

       As they got closer, Eris put a disguise over themselves. Now, they appeared as a short, blonde woman with brown eyes. They didn't look too much unlike Ara' Sei.

       "Ara' Sei, at least here, our story is that we're siblings, okay?" Eris asked. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "Of course." She said.

       At the gates, Eris was able to lie. They lied, saying that them and their sister were visiting family here. They said that them and Ara' Sei had brought their partners and close friends, which was the truth.

       Once they were let in, Eris guided them to a sleepy looking inn on the edge of town. Once they were there, Eris was comfortable to drop the disguise. Ara' Sei paid a few gold for a week's stay. She only paid for two rooms. One was for her, Ella, and Zerai. The other was for Cedric and Eris.

       However, the group decided to gather in the room that belonged to Ara' Sei, Ella, and Zerai.

       "So, Ara' Sei. When we went to Duskholme, your visions made it very clear what we had to do. How about now?" Ella asked.

       "No, they haven't told me what I specifically had to do here. When I was directed to Point Frost, they didn't tell me that there was a demon incursion. I think it's the same way here. Where we'll find rather quickly what the problem is." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Well, as of yet, I don't see anything bad happening. Do you think it's going to be another demon incursion?" Eris asked.

       "If it is, then we need to be constantly ready." Ara' Sei said.

       "I agree, last time, we were too late. We can't make that mistake again." Cedric said.

       "So, how are we going to keep tabs on all of this. How are we going to be ready?" Zerai asked.

        "Well, I can keep my spells prepared for combat against demons." Cedric said.

       "My magic is always ready." Ara' Sei said.

       "I suppose I'll make sure to practice a lot with my blade." Ella added.

       "I'll just wait for something to happen. I can disguise myself, so I can go around the city safely to watch out for anything. If there are demons, I'll get back here to tell you all as soon as possible." Eris explained.

       "Okay, this seems like a solid plan." Ara' Sei commented.

       "What if it happens tonight?" Zerai asked.

       "Then it'll probably be the most difficult fight we've had. We just got here, and Cedric isn't yet ready for combat with demons. We'll just have to hope that they don't come tonight." Ara' Sei said.

       Now, the group had an agreed upon plan. Thankfully, no demons came that night through any portal. The group was able to sleep easy that night. However, they were more than ready to fight demons, just as they had before. 

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