Chapter 99

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       The flames rose up between the previously unseen cracks in the floor. The flames reformed themselves into vaguely human form. In total, there were three that rose up and formed themselves. The entire room was brightly illuminated, and the group could feel their sweat pooling as the temperature rose.

       Eris looked around frantically, but they saw nowhere to slip out of sight in the brightly lit room. Instead, they approached one of the flaming figures and struck it with their dagger before backing off. The heat was unbearable, and it scorched Eris as they struck the figure.

       Zerai charged towards one of the other figures. His first strike skimmed the creature, scorching him in return. Then, his body glowed as some of his own wounds mended.

       Cedric glanced up at the ceiling before placing his hands together. As he muttered under his breath, a dark storm cloud filled the ceiling of the room. Then, the cloud crackled with power, and a bolt of lightning struck the figure that Eris was fighting. The strike seemed to temporarily disperse the creature, but it rapidly reformed.

       Ara' Sei focused her attention upon the third figure. She raised her hand and a weapon of light descended upon the creature. The weapon struck the creature, causing it to shrink back. Then, Ara' Sei's eyes glowed, and the creature was consumed by radiant flames. However, the creature evaded the flames' full force.

       Ella set her eyes upon the third figure and charged towards it. Two fluid strikes of her greatsword struck the creature, sending it reeling. She barely winced as it scorched her.

       Then, the figures struck. Eris evaded the first strike against them, but the other hit them in the throat. Eris' eyes widened as their body was set aflame.

       Zerai was able to parry the first strike with his blade, but the second skimmed him, setting him alight.

       The third figure roared and reached its fiery arms towards Ella. The first strike hit her and set her aflame. But she the second skimmed off her armor.

       Eris winced as the flames continued to crawl across their chest. With supernatural speed, they ran across the room behind the figure that Ella was attacking. Finding an opening, they thrust their blade forward.

       Zerai winced as the heat began to grow ever more painful. Nevertheless, he advanced forward with his blade. But, he was in too much pain to substantially hit it, so he fell back and attempted to regather himself.

       Cedric watched as Eris ran from their fight to help Ella with hers. Cedric focused his attention on the now lone flaming figure. The cloud above crackled and the figure was once again struck by the lightning. The booming sound of thunder echoed wildly through the room. Cedric could tell this strike had been far more substantial than the last.

       Ara' Sei saw Zerai struggling. Approaching him, she reached her arm out and his body shined with pale light. His burn wounds began to mend. Then, Ara' Sei turned to the weapon she had summoned and commanded it to strike again.

       Ella smiled and continued her assault of the third flaming figure. With three fluid strikes, the creature was torn into nothing. The flames dispersed, and didn't reform. But, with each strike came searing pain, and she was forced to steel herself against the flames.

       But, two figures remained, and they burned more furious than before. 

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