Chapter 136

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       As Eris heard the battle begin in the distance, they vaulted themselves over the barricade fence. Then, using the distraction the battlefield had created, they snuck to the wall of the manor.

       They took a few moments to look across the wall, and they found a barred window on the second story. The stone was rough, but it lacked footholds. Then, they plunged their daggers into the stone, and used them to traverse the wall. The magical nature of the daggers prevented them from chipping or bending.

       Without issue, they were able to slip through the window into one of the many libraries Aaron had. They dropped to the floor and looked around.

       Many of the tomes lining the shelves were historical in nature. The war between Sathun and Norda a hundred and fifty years prior. Records of the arcane golden age. The discovery of Suthos and the island that Point Frost was built on. Alongside magic, Eris faintly remembered being somewhat trained in the history of the world.

       They silently walked through the stone halls, all of which were familiar to them. Up until five months prior, they had lived here for almost their whole life.

       They slowly crept their way downward, and soon they knew they were close to the dungeon. The only lights came from occasional magical torches on the wall.

       Then, they saw a hallway off to their side, but since they were silent, they could hear the shifting of a man wearing armor. After taking a moment to listen, they discerned that it was only one. They prepared their daggers.

       Suddenly, Eris shifted around the corner and hurled the dagger into the guard's throat. Before the guard could cough out blood, Eris had forced their mouth shut, and set the man on the ground.

       Pressing their ear to the door, Eris could hear one guard shifting just beyond the door. Quietly testing the door, Eris could tell it was unlocked. Then, with incredible speed, they opened the door and ran in. Unfortunately, the one guard that was in there cried out for help, and Eris could hear several guards approaching.

       "Ah, crap." Eris cursed in a hushed whisper. They lunged forward with their dagger, but it glanced off the guard's incredible armor. The guard's weapon flashed with blue as it grazed Eris. Then, two additional guards barged in through the door. Each wielded halberds, and they bore similar armor to the one Eris was fighting.

        "Oh lovely." Eris said sarcastically as the three guards bore down on them. Eris used their dagger to cause the second hit to glance off of them, and they sidestepped the next attack made against them.

       They stepped forward, thrusting their dagger forward. One of the guards cried out as the dagger sunk several inches.

       Eris then leapt back, breathing hard. They were surrounded deep within Aaron's home, alone. They were against three people trained to fight, and there was nowhere they could hide to give themself an opportunity.

       "You all better be doing a good job up there." Eris whispered frantically. 

Converging Destinies: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now