Chapter 147

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       The whole group stood beneath the canopy in silence for a moment, all eyes were on Cedric.

       "You're right." Cedric replied.

       "Cedric, I mean this in the kindest way possible, but you've gone damn mad. I don't care how powerful you've become, that much is clear, you can't go charging blindly into danger like this." Varhine said.

       "All of those who vanished were alone when they did. I have four other people, and each one of them is just as if not more powerful than I am." Cedric said.

       "Hmmm." Varhine mumbled. She stood and circled the group several times.

       "I'll see about this. You! Golden eyes, what've you got?" Varhine asked.

       "Oh, I have... magical capabilities." Zerai replied.

       "Alright. Big girl, what've you got?" Varhine asked, pointing at Ella. Ella merely gestured to her sword.

       "Okay, what about blondie?" Varhine asked.

       "I also have magical capabilities." Ara' Sei answered.

       "And you?" Varhine asked, pointing at Eris.

       "I have these, and some magical capability." Eris said, gesturing towards their daggers. Varhine looked them up and down, and then looked to Cedric with a smirk.

       "Not bad taste." Varhine said. Cedric blushed. Ella smirked. Varhine looked back to Cedric.

       "Are you sure that you five are enough?" Varhine asked.

       "I'm almost certain of it." Cedric answered confidently.

       "Alright, in that case, I will tell you what I do know, which unfortunately isn't much. Whatever has been making our druids disappear, it's nowhere close to the Sanctuary Grove. It only happened to those that patrolled deep within the forest to the East of here." Varhine explained.

       "Have you found any traces of them. Any messages in druidic, anything left behind?" Cedric asked. Varhine shook her head.

       "You were there when they started vanishing, you know that whatever this thing is, it never left a trace." Varhine said.

       "So, you're confident that the Erathian Peninsula is safe." Cedric said.

       "No one who patrolled along it disappeared, this thing exists in the Eastern half of the forests, probably far away. If it were even remotely close, we would have safely found it by now." Varhine said.

       "I think I have an idea for how to find it." Cedric declared.

       "Well, spill it!" Varhine said.

       "I've gained the capability of transforming into things that fly. I imagine we might be able to more easily keep a monitor on the forest if we're above it. My companion, Eris, suggested that no non magical threat would be capable of leaving no trace, and it would probably be easy to see magical influence from above." Cedric explained.

       "I suppose that could work. If your friends are truly as powerful as you are, then I think you may have a chance. But, if things begin to go awry, leave something, anything. Whether it be a few drops of blood on the ground or a detailed message in druidic, just give us something to find, anything that could be a clue as to what has run amock in the forest." Varhine pleaded. Cedric nodded.

       "Don't worry Varhine, I will. We'll stay here for the night, but tomorrow we'll leave." Cedric said. Varhine nodded.

       "Good luck, Cedric." Varhine said. Then, the group left the dome of brambles and bushes, and out into the Sanctuary Grove. 

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