Chapter 162

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       "How many more beams do you have?" Ella asked.

       "One." Ara' Sei replied.

       From the sides, Eris watched helplessly. Like Ella, they couldn't fly, and they couldn't hit the dragon from where they were.

       With incredible speed, the dragon flew out of the hole in the top of the cavern.

       "Crap." Zerai cursed. Then, he ran over to Ara' Sei and picked her up off the ground, muttering an incantation.

       "I'm giving you flight, you're the only one powerful enough to kill it in one hit now. Go!" Zerai explained with a shout. Ara' Sei nodded, and with Zerai's magic she quickly flew below the hole in the cavern roof. Looking up, she could see the dragon was about ten feet outside the hole in the roof, and had not yet broken through the canopy of the trees above.

       "Okay Ara' Sei, you got this." She whispered to herself. She let the light build within her arm, and she whispered wildly. It felt as though she were being seared from the inside, but she was used to the painful nature of her magic, and she pressed on. Then, she raised her arm to the sky with the last of her strength.

       A beam erupted towards the sky, and the whole cavern flashed with bright, pale light. The dragon gave one last roar of pain. From where the beam struck it, it began to turn into gray ash that fell to the ground, right on top of Ara' Sei.

       Ara' Sei coughed wildly as she was bathed in the ashes of the dragon. She snapped her fingers and with a flash of light all of the ashes flew off of her in a cloud.

       "Eaugggh! Gross!!" Ara' Sei screamed. Ella laughed.

       "Good job!" Ella shouted. Ara' Sei flew to the edge of the outcropping, and chugged water from her waterskin.

       "Oh no, I just swallowed a ton of its ashes. Dragon ashes taste terrible." Ara' Sei commented.

       "I would think so." Zerai said with a smile, putting his hand on her shoulder. She looked back at his dazzling eyes and returned the smile.

       Ara' Sei put her hand on her chest, and her body glowed with pale light as her wounds began to heal.

       "Well, guess who gets to loot this dragon's treasure!" Ella shouted excitedly. She was gawking at the chambers filled with gold as well as the massive pit.

       "Yeah, I suppose we should do that, shouldn't we?" Eris asked. Ella nodded in agreement.

       The party spent the next few hours going through the dragon's treasure. Ella took as many gold and platinum coins as she could carry. Zerai looked for magical weapons. Cedric and Ara' Sei looked for any magical items of interest, and with a bit of magic Cedric made it a bit easier for the two of them. Eris also looked for miscellaneous magical trinkets.

       Thankfully for all of them, the dragon had an abundance of treasure.

       Ella was able to get over five thousand gold pieces, as well as one hundred platinum pieces. She gladly divided the money as evenly as she could into five piles before taking one of them for herself.

       Zerai was able to find a blade that pulsed with glowing purple light. Its hilt was carved with faintly glowing, beautiful runes.

       Cedric and Ara' Sei were able to find several strange things. Cedric was able to find a stone with a blue rune carved onto it, as well as a bag filled with glowing red beads.

       Ara' Sei was able to find a diamond about the same size as the one she had bought from the jeweler back in Point Nordis. She also found a strange stone tablet with strange writing on it.

       Eris was able to find a dagger with a strange, twisted handle. The blade itself had black inscriptions upon it. They decided to stow the items away.

       Now with unfamiliar, magical treasures upon them, the group was able to find rest within the dead dragon's lair. 

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