Chapter 9

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       Eris had now revealed themself. Then, as quickly as they had appeared, there was a blur of movement, and they were gone again.

       Another flash of radiant fire ignited around one of the shadow creatures. Ara' Sei's hair began to flail as if in a storm. The shadow creature wailed as it was dispersed into nothing by the radiance. The blade of light began to approach one of the other shadowy creatures.

       Despite being struck back, the undead surged forward again. One of the remaining zombies lurched past Ella clumsily. But, the shadow once again grasped her, this time on her shoulder. Ella cried out again in pain. Her shirt that she wore began to decay where the shadow touched it, and the bark-like armor was withered clean through where Ella had been struck.

       "Ugh, Ara' Sei hurry up this thing's an annoying little b-"

       "I'm doing my best!" Ara' Sei shouted back. The two other undead lunged towards Cedric. The zombie slammed its fist into the side of Cedric's head, sending him tumbling back. As he tumbled back, he tumbled out of reach of the living shadow's hand. Cedric placed his hand on his other forearm and muttered frantically. His forearm glowed as he called upon nature's powers to reverse the unnatural withering. The withering was slightly reversed, but his arm was still injured and dark.

       Ella swung her blade to counterattack her other zombie assailant. She swung it in an arc aiming for its neck. But, Ella was in far too much pain to focus on anything, everything had been thrown off balance and she was just swinging desperately. Then, Eris emerged from behind the gravestone and lunged at the zombie. Their blade plunged deep into the back of the zombies skull. But, the thing was held together not by flesh, but by horrific magic. Magic that had no place in a small fishing village on the northern coast of Cressel Bay.

       From atop the roof of the chapel, Ara' Sei pointed her hand at the shadow creature that was attacking Ella. Her hand became a beacon, before that beacon became a missile of pure light that hurled towards the shadow creature. But, the shadows were most wary of Ara' Sei, and the shadow moved aside as the beacon slammed into the ground. With a motion of her hand, the blade of light hovered above Ella's zombie assailant. The blade was brought down, cutting several inches into the zombie's shoulder. But, somehow, the thing still stood.

       "Damn it." Ara' Sei cursed. The undead recollected themselves for another strike. One zombie lurched towards Ella and went for a strike. But, her bark armor created by Cedric took the full blow, causing it to crack and snap. Ella then felt the now familiar, horrible feeling of the shadow's hand. Ella's knees shook and she struggled to remain standing.

       "Am I really going to die to this freak?!" Ella shouted. Then, the other zombie bore down onto Cedric, it's attack slamming into his shoulder with a sickening crack. Tears flashed to Cedric's eyes. Is this how the other druids disappeared? The shadow reached out again, but Cedric frantically held out his wand in front of him.

       "Oh no oh no oh no." Cedric frantically muttered. He turned to Ella.

       "Ella, I know you can fight them off better than I could." Cedric said, placing his hand on Ella and muttering a phrase, summoning the same healing power he had called upon before. Some of her wounds closed, but just like before it wasn't quite enough.

       "No Cedric! This is not goodbye, we will live through this battle!" Ella declared. 

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