Chapter 33

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       The walls were decorated by pink and yellow wallpaper that was filled with beautiful designs. There were tables and chairs and lamps that were all endlessly decorated with intricate details. Eris muttered a few words, and decided to take on the form of a young girl with a bun and a simple maid's apron. In this form, Eris searched for the bedchambers as silently as they could.

       After around thirty minutes of searching around, there was no sign of the bedchambers. Eris was trying to hold back the desire to run to search for it, but they had to be calm and collected. The large manor was like a maze, and Eris could have sworn they had gone down the same hallway three times. Finally, they found a staircase leading to the third story.

       After another ten minutes passed. Eris passed a servant, who was hurrying along. Eris was tempted to ask them, but they passed by Eris too quickly. Thankfully, despite their growing panic, they were able to remain inconspicuous and calm. Another twenty minutes passed. Eris felt Cedric's spell wear off of them, and they had to recast their disguise spell. They could only disguise themself one more time, and so they had to move quickly.

       Another fifteen minutes passed, and they were finally able to find the bedchambers. Despite being choked for time, they still were able to remove all traces of their presence as they closed the drawers properly after checking them and flattened out the luxurious tacky rugs after stepping on them. After another ten minutes, they were able to find a drawer containing a seal near the canopied bed. The seal was of a sunset over designs of waves that splashed along the circular borders of the seal. Eris tucked it away in their pocket.

       Thankfully, the bedroom had a balcony with two doors that could be unlocked from the inside. They opened the balcony doors, closed them, and looked down. They were around thirty feet off the ground in the balcony. But, Eris had no time to navigate the maze of hallways and rooms and chambers again. After searching for a handhold, they began to slowly descend the wall. However, Eris was still able to maintain their calm, collected demeanor. Their hands didn't shake as they descended the wall within a minute. Then, they effortlessly snuck back through the gardens surrounding the manor. With a final running start, they were able to vault over the border wall where they entered and land without a sound. Eris dropped the illusory disguise as they stood back up, the members of the group surrounding them.

       "Did you get the seal?" Zerai asked. Eris held up the seal they had stolen from the bedchamber.

       "Good, let's go back. Unless you wanna go check in on Cedric near the docks." Zerai said.

       "Yeah, I'll check in on him." Eris said. With that, the rest of the group went back to the inn, while Eris made their way to the docks.

       "C'mon Cedric, please be okay."

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