Chapter 181

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       Cedric was up early, meditating to prepare his magic for the coming day ahead. The group had one final breakfast before rushing to the harbour.

       Within a few minutes,they were able to find Brie, who had packed all the supplies she needed.

       Together, they spoke to the dockmaster and showed the documents they had gotten when they originally bought the ship. After proving they owned it, they were able to set sail.

       The ship was far more easy to operate than the one they had stolen back in Duskholme. Brie knew a bit about how to sail it, and with her magic she created a steady wind.

       Within two hours after the sun had risen, the group was out on the ocean. Brie and Ara' Sei helped give wind to the sails, so they had a steady tailwind. With Brie's help, Eris was able to operate what rigging there was on the ship, and it was far easier to figure out than the stolen ship.

       "Do you think we'll need the changed weather today?" Cedric asked.

       "From what I remember, it's going to be at least four days before we get to the rough parts." Brie said.

       As predicted, the few days went rather well. However, there was a steadily rising temperature. Despite how it was usually cooler out on water, it was quite the opposite here.

       On the fifth day of travel, it was clear the heat would soon start posing a problem. At the beginning of the day, Cedric stood at the middle of the deck. He held a wooden staff in his hands. He was whispering under his breath, it was a well practiced incantation.

       Several minutes of practiced incantation passed where Cedric twirled his fingers. At the end, his hand glowed with an emerald light and he raised it to the sky. His eyes began to glow an emerald green color.

       "It will take some time to change these conditions." Cedric said. Twenty minutes passed, and the temperature began to cool down. A tailwind began to blow into the sail. After another thirty minutes, the temperature cooled even further. It was cold enough for Zerai to wear his scarf.

       "Amazing." Brie whispered.

       "He is powerful." Eris replied as they held a rope to keep the sail in place.

       "He's not like me, what kind of magic does he use?" Brie asked.

       "I draw my power from listening to the natural world. I can still talk like this, but I need to be able to focus on the spell." Cedric explained.

       "What happens if you lose focus?" Brie asked.

       "I can only do this once per day as of right now. I wouldn't be able to do it again until the next day." Cedric answered. Brie nodded in response.

       "In that case, if something bad happens, I'll be sure to try and protect you." Brie reassured him.

       "What kind of threats would exist out here?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I dunno, we don't know much about the Boiling Ocean." Brie replied.

       "Oh, lovely." Ara' Sei replied before sighing loudly.

       And so, the group's voyage into the Boiling Ocean had begun.

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