Chapter 36

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Author's Note/ Warning: In this next chapter, there is some content that some readers will find disturbing and/or distressing. I will have a TL DR version of Zerai's backstory that leaves out the more disturbing bits while giving you the general idea of his story.

       Zerai looked out into the darkness of the night for a moment.

       "I suppose I should get the most shocking part out of the way." Everyone waited as he paused.

       "This is not the first time I have been alive. I lived another time once, but I had a different name and a different body. I was born to a horribly poor family in Fort Ao. Now, my family didn't have a home, and oftentimes I found myself alone with my brother for most of the day, desperately looking for something to eat. Now, one day, a strange man offered me some food if I helped him with something. I was young, maybe eleven in my previous life. I was too hungry to be doubtful. But, when the two of us were out of sight. Three strange people muffled me, restrained me, then put my in iron chains. With a blindfold, I was led through some kind of labyrinth and put with many others who were also chained and gagged in a cell. The next day I was branded with the mark of a slave, and then I was shipped away from Fort Ao to Duskholme. I remember that ship, even on a journey that only lasted a week, there were about fifteen dead by the end of the journey." Zerai sighed again, then took a deep breath.

       "Now, Duskholme is a port that has access to Erathir to the North, Fort Ao to the East, Nakash Doer to the far East up the Theirun river, and Aaronsworth to the Southeast. I was sold to someone in Erathir. There I did manual work for some rich factory owner. It was horrible, but there was no way out. No way to escape, not even through death. When I was around twenty in my previous life, I died. Inhaling fumes from the factory and being tortured weekly for not working enough finally broke me, and I died. I faintly remember the one I saw on the other side, with angelic wings. I said I wanted another chance, a chance to change things. I was given that chance, born into the Duskholme slums with most of my memories, and now, here I am." Zerai explained.

       No one knew what to say. What could you even say to that?

       "I'm...sorry." Ara' Sei managed to say, clenching her fists.

       "That is why I need to take down this guild. They kidnap and sell people from Aaronsworth, Erathir, Fort Ao, and Nakash Doer. If I can bring them down, I could bring the slave trade of the entirety of Western Theros to a halt. To make sure no such group is built up again will take far more effort and action, but I am fully willing to do it."

       "Alright, I trust your judgement. I'm sorry I made you relive all of that." Cedric said.

       "It's fine. It's the reminder of my past life that's gotten me this far. Knowing that this is something that is still happening." Zerai clenched his fist.

       "It needs to stop, and I'm not going to stop fighting until it does."

TL DR: Zerai is a reincarnated slave. When he first died, he begged for another chance at life so he could bring down the slaver's guild that enslaved him in his first life. 

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